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Day 6- Stressful weekend!


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First of all, I am SOO proud of myself for making it to day 6 of my first whole 30.

The most difficult part for me today and last night was that I have 4 exams this coming week and am spending the entire weekend at my dinning room table with my head in the books. My previous routine would include me snacking on a bag of pretzels, or twizzlers, or M&Ms. Which brings me to the "craving" I'm having right now (and all day) for junk food!! Upon making the observation I would say this is more of a craving for routine rather than taste, but driving me crazy nonetheless!!

How is everyone else's whole 30 going??

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i too am on my first whole30 on day 6....i had alittle stomach distress tonight but i think it was a good thing. i have been eating a serving of bubbles sourkrout.for a few days so that may have done it for me.....i am very excited to see if this thing works.....i have allergies and a few other things i would like some help with so we will see...hang in there i understand the routine thing....mine is snacking

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Im excited to!! My main reason for doing this was to take control of my snacking habit.. and it's proved to be a challenge today!! But is extra energy and weight loss come from it too then that would be AWESOME too! lol

How are you liking sourkrout? What exactly does it taste like... im curious but also scared to try it.

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