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Brit's Whole30 Log


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Hello, all! I plan to start my first ever Whole30 on April 1. I am getting married in July and would like to drop a couple pounds before summer AND learn some healthy recipes/ eating habits before becoming a wife for both me and my future husband. Two of my bridesmaids are also joining me and I can't wait to get started!

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Well, I officially started today, after not being able to get to the grocery store before yesterday! It was difficult finding some things in smalltown Oklahoma (not to mention some budget constraints), but I did some research and found some nearby farms for meat (and my fiance's father owns a cattle farm and his cattle are grassfed...yum!) and organic veggies. My fiance is on board with me, but as a meat and potatoes man, he keeps asking, "What can I eat?" Um, tons of stuff! Thankfully, I've been abstaining from bread and sugary things for the most part, so this will definitely be easier for me. I mentioned in another forum that we are having a wedding shower next week. I really don't want to offend the lovely ladies that are throwing this shower for me, so I'm using this week to get into the whole30, have the shower, then dive head first into a full Whole30, if that makes sense. For dinner, I'm making burgers (bunless of course!) with sauteed mushrooms and onions, topped with avocado...yum!

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Day 1

Slept in today, so I didn't get three meals in, but it's a start! I was definitely too snacky today and ate too much fruit and nuts. I had planned to eat some avocado with my burger, but my avocadoes weren't ripe. :(

M1: Bacon, eggs, spinach, and strawberries

M2: Burger on a bed of lettuce and tomato topped with onions and mushrooms with a side of steamed veggies

Snacks: Apple, almond butter, pistachios, green olives, more strawberries

I'm a little worried about doing this with my fiance, as he seems to get bored with food quickly! I tend to want to take care of others, but in this process am trying to remember that we are all responsible for our own food choices and I need to do this for myself...eek, easier said than done. :)

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Day 2

M1: Bacon, eggs, sauteed spinach, 4 strawberries

M2: Chicken, spinach, 1 strawberry and olive oil (salad)

Snacks: 30 pistachios, 1 hardboiled egg

Tried to cut down on the nut and fruit consumption since I feel as though I overdid it yesterday! Walked about 6 miles with the fiance and did some squats, lunges, and other bodyweight exercises. I felt a little light headed afterwards, but nothing too terrible! I should prob eat dinner, but I'm just really not hungry.

Edit: Had an apple and almond butter later...working on cutting it all out!

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Day 3

M1: black coffee, sf sausage, eggs, sauteed spinach, 4 strawberries

M2: hamburger meat, butter lettuce, 1/2 avocado, tomato, sauteed onions and mushrooms, sweet potato

M3: sf sausage, sauerkraut

Snacks: 4 strawberries, dab of Sunbutter, kombucha

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Day 4

M1: 2 eggs, coffee with coconut oil and cinnamon, kale, 1/2 sweet potato

M2: spring mix, 1/2 avocado, cucumber, mushrooms, sauerkraut, sf sausage, 1/2 sweet potato

Snacks: 6 strawberries and Sunbutter, 10 pistachios, coffee w/ coconut milk and cinnamon (yum!!!)

I feel as though I'm failing miserably at this and eating too many carbs/ too much fruit. After my wedding shower Sunday, I plan to start over and focus on protein, fat and veggies (LIKE I'M SUPPOSED TO!!!). I think I'm definitely feeding the evil sugar dragon through the strawberries! I also need to focus more on getting three meals in. I've been having intense Diet Coke cravings, but I haven't given in, so at least I have that! :) I also did some bodyweight exercises such as squats and lunges.

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School got busy last week (but I stayed Paleo, even though I usually cave to the desire for unhealthy foods when I am stressed) and my fiance and I spent the weekend with his family (did my best!). Yesterday, we had an amazing wedding shower and I did enjoy some cake. So, my Whole30 will be starting over! I need to go grocery shopping, but right now I am munching on apples and Sunbutter and drinking black coffee with cinnamon. I don't know if I will be posting every day; there are two and a half weeks left in the semester and things are about to get crazy! I will do my best though! Keep calm and Whole30 on :)

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