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Pregnant and on my second Whole30


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Today's my first day on my second round of the Whole30. My first was last summer and I'm pretty sure it's the reason I'm pregnant now : )

Even though I haven't gained much weight during my pregnancy thus far (I'm 25 weeks and have only gained 12lbs so far), my diet has definitely left something to be desired. I'm hoping that jumping back on the Whole30 wagon will be the jumpstart I need to carry me through the next few months.

I posted a log the last time I did the Whole30 and in addition to helping keep me compliant, it's also been really nice to be able to look back on it and get some ideas for how to start out this time time around. Although I'm not going to be able to be quite as strict as I was last time around (in addition to cutting out all the usual suspects I also cut out caffeine, all seed oils, all food additives, etc and didn't eat anything I didn't prepare myself), I know that just following the normal guidelines to the best of my ability will be a huge step in the right direction.

One more thing that might seem a little iffy to some people is that I do plan to experiment with some recipes for paleo breads that I've recently come across. I have celiac and I don't often do gluten-free breads or baked goods, so I don't see those as substitutions for trigger foods. They're just something new that I've been wanting to try out. Oh, and (in the interest of full disclosure) I'm also taking a magnesium supplement that contains stevia. I don't plan on stopping that either, since it's really been helping with pregnancy-induced leg cramps.

So far today:

M1: two eggs cooked in olive oil, handful of strawberries

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Day One:

M1: two eggs cooked in olive oil, handful of strawberries

M2: overpriced salad bar at Whole Foods - spaghetti squash w/ marinara, brussel sprouts, roasted chicken, babaganoush, cucumbers

M3: watermelon, turkey, banana

Day Two:

M1: Brunch with a friend - two eggs over medium, bacon, fruit, iced tea

M2: almonds, clementines, grapes, banana

M3: wings w/ red pepper sauce, tomato, watermelon

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Holy moly, I am TIRED. I remember being a little fatigued last time I did the W30, but adding pregnancy to that apparently takes it to a whole new level! It's not even that I'm sleepy, just down-to-the-bone exhausted like I don't want to have to deal with anything! I know my energy really picked up some time in the second week last time, so here's to hoping I make it that far... I know I need to up my protein and stop eating so much fruit, but the idea of serious meal planning on top of everything else I have going on right now kind of makes me want to curl up in a ball under the bed. Just doing my best to make it through the day right now.


M1: two eggs cooked in olive oil, banana

M2: salad at Sweet Tomatoes - lots of veggies, egg, olive oil, red wine vinegar, sweet potato, orange slices

S: clementines and grapes

M3: salad at Jason's Deli - lots of veggies, eggs, almonds, olive oil, red wine vinegar


M1: two eggs cooked in olive oil, banana

M2: clementines and grapes

M3: leftover almond flour chicken, watermelon

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Stick with it! I am on Day 8 of my first Whole30. I am TTC, so hopefully this helps me as much as it helped you! We have a 23 month old, but I had lots of health issues after her birth. I thought I ate clean before, but this really opened my eyes!

Remember, even if you're not preggo, they suggest a short nap to help you recover - so don't try to be superwoman, even 10 minutes can help! You're doing great!

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