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april 1st and starting my first whole30! have seen positive results from members of my crossfit1force family and wanted to give it a try!


workout: CF 9am

breakfast: 3eggs with spinach, mushroom and salsa

lunch: ham, zucchini/squash, spinach/mushroom

dinner: turkey breast, half an avocado and zucchini/squash

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thanks girl!! day 3 in the books! feeling good!!


bfast: scrambled eggs, half an avocado, hot sauce, zucchini/squash

snack: handful of strawberries

lunch: 2 chicken burger patties with homemade spicy bbq sauce, handful of cherry tomatoes

dinner: turkey breast, hot sauce and steamed cauliflower

workout: CF 630


bfast: grass fed burger, half an avocado, half a sweet potato and two slices of a delicious tomato

lunch: spinach/sweet potato/sausage hash and turkey breast with hot sauce

prewod: banana

post wod: other half of sweet potato

dinner: steamed cauliflower, 2 chicken burger patties with homemade spicy bbq sauce

workout: CF 830

feeling pretty good except for waking up day 2 and 3 with a small headache - the pressure is surrounded around my left eye, hopefully i wont wake up with that again tomorrow. we'll see how day 4 goes!! love how i feel just knowing im eating better!

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day 4:

breakfast 1 egg 2 egg whites, spinach, mushrooms & hot sauce

lunch: burger with guacamole, lettuce, tomato and grilled sweet potato

dinner: cilantro lime chicken with avocado salsa (YUM)

workout: oly and gymnatistics class!

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day 5:

breakfast: banana (wasn't feeling hungry)

lunch: sweet potato spinach hash with turkey breast and hot sauce

dinner: cilantro lime chicken with avocado salsa and tomatoes

rest day.

day 6:

breakfast: zucchini and squash w/sausage

post wod: banana

lunch: half sweet potato, cilantro lime chicken and half an avocado

dinner: burger with onions, lettuce and tomato

day 7:

breakfast: banana

lunch: sausage and peppers with squash, handful of tomatoes

dinner: chili !

workout: CF 10am

week one complete! loving the change in the quality of my sleep!! weekend wasn't too bad with temptations ( a beer after completing the open would have been lovely) luckily my friends helped keep me on track! went food shopping for some more veggies and have some prep work for week 2!

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got behind posting but kept a log!


B: spinach n mushrooms with 5 small chicken meatballs

L: chili with sweet potato and half an avocado

D: pork with peppers and a plum

workout: 9am CF

day 9:

B: 3 eggs, half an avocado, spinach n mushrooms, banana

L: 4 chicken meatballs, plum, zucchini and squash

D: chili with sweet potato

workout: CF 630

day 10:

B: chicken meatballs

L: leftover pork w/ cucumbers and tomatoes

D: chili with sweet potato

workout: CF 630


B: plum and eggs

L: carnitas, guacamole, lettuce, and salsa

D: chicken, avocado, spinach and mushroom

workout: oly and gymnastics! <3 thursday workouts!!

day 12:

day off/rest day! got a massage - so relaxing!

B: chicken with salsa

L: carnitas, guacamole, lettuce and salsa

D: eggs

day 13:

B: plum and sweet potato

L: burger with lettuce/tomato and sweet potato fries

D: chicken with veggies

green tea

workout: wod for wishes!! great fundraiser workout!

day 14: holy cow two weeks down!

up late the night before so i slept till 1! :o

L: sweet potato, avocado, steak and 3 eggs with salsa

D: chicken, avocado salsa

went to my aunts for a family dinner and dessert time was rough just looking at some delicious chocolate cakes! but i went with a banana and some grapes!

rest day!


B: banana, 3eggs, avocado salsa, mushrooms/spinach

S: pear

L: carnitas. lettuce, salsa and guacamole


workout 9am CF

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