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NWOL - New Way of Life


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I have started Whole30 several times and most every Wednesday I slip at work including today. I am not beating myself up about it today and I am commited to moving forward. There is always a catered lunch on Wednesday and I rarely have made it through without participating. The food is not paleo to say the least. I do very well at home and in all other situations, but work. My solution is to start over and really commit that no matter what type of catered food is in the kitchen at work it is not my food, it is poison to me and it does not make me happy or peaceful. I don't have but 2-3 pounds to lose so my issue is not weight on my body, it's weight in my head. I am naturally energetic, peaceful and content, but give me some sugar and it's different story.

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Can you avoid the lunch? Perhaps don't attend it for the first week or two. Just leave the office and eat your lunch elsewhere. That's great that you can recognise what the food is doing for you. You've got six days now until you have to face it again. When next Wednesday rolls around you won't want to undo all your hard work. It sounds to me like you already know it's not worth it. Good luck.

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