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Day One - April 12


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Just found this forum and I thought it'd be a great way to stay on track for the Whole30. My husband is the one that's persuaded me to dive into the challenge. We've cut out gluten and most dairy from our diet for over a year now. He was diagnosed with gluten-sensitivity, hence the dietary change. But I'm the ultimate cheater. We don't keep the stuff in the house, but whenever we go out to eat or I'm at work, I always indulge. So it's more of a challenge for me than him. But I've committed to the 30 days and I'm excited for the changes that will happen.

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Hi swankkat - Congrats to you! I just started my Whole30 yesterday as well.

My biggest downfall is social eating too! I go in with a plan to only eat veggies and drink one glass of wine and BAM! I am all over the crackers and chocolate, and cookie and cake, and can't remember how many glasses of wine I have had, and I'm having a good old time and am as happy as a a pig in mud - UNTIL the next day when I wonder why I am such an idiot!

Maybe we could help each other stay on track?

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I'm glad there are others starting close to us. Our date was random. We just waited until all the rice ran out in the house... :)

I'm nervous about social eating as well. My best friend is coming to visit this weekend and it's going to be a bummer not to go out and drink with her. I'm going to make sure to eat before going out and just request lemon water or ice tea (boring :/)...

Are you starting an exercise plan with the whole 30? My husband is training for a Tough Mudder, and I've been joining him every other day for Boddee Fit Workouts in our basement. Those are killing me! However, I feel like I have a ton more energy than before and its only day 3!

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