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My First Time Doing Whole30...


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I am a nursing student who let the pressure of living in a new state and having a lot of school get the best of me. I used to be very active and then got to college where socializing became more important than activity and I let my health get away from me. I had a little bit of a wake up call at a doctor's appointment where the doctor said, "with such a high risk for cancer, why are you letting anything else make it higher?"

I'm not necessarily overweight or really unhealthy, but I'm not very happy with my current habits. After that eye opening doctor's appointment, I got on a serious healthy streak where I lost 30 pounds and was exercising like crazy. I felt good, but would get really frustrated when I was not able to keep it up. So then I REALLY fell off the band wagon. I had kept that weight off until this winter when a move and holidays and school and many other factors made me a whole lot worse than I had been.

So here I am trying this... I have seen a lot of friends have success with Paleo diets and would love for this to be a success story for me as well! I don't want to lose weight, I just want to be able to practice what I will be preaching when I am done with nursing school. I want to look healthier and, most of all, feel healthier!

My goals

  • To finish the whole 30 days successfully
  • To get to the gym at least 3 days a week (thats an expensive membership! I should use it)
  • To stay away from cheese... I think that that is my biggest downfall. I love it.

Here's to a start of something great, hopefully!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it has been over a week since I started the whole30, and it has been awesome. I feel like I have energy, I wake up rested and feel great.

My one downfall so far is that I LOVE fruit. I eat fruit a lot. Its really easy to pack for school or clinical, so I just throw it in my bag. I should probably eat less of it, but I just don't know if I can cut down on that also.

Otherwise, I am loving this. I may keep it up past the thirty days, with a few exceptions. (I live in WI and am moving back to CO... lets just say cutting back on beer has also cut into my social life.)

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