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Amanda's Whole30

Amanda Smith

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So I just realized I could keep a log on here. So I'm going to. But I have to backtrack...


Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 cup broccoli, coconut oil, salsa, coffee

Lunch: Chicken breast, salad mix (HUGE), strawberries, raw asparagus, EVOO as dressing

Pre-workout: 16 almonds, coffee

Post-workout: ~2 oz. turkey, butternut squash baby food

Dinner: Roadhouse (my dad was in town but the chef worked with me) - salad (no cheese, no croutons, no dressing), plain sweet potato cooked with no oil or butter, 6 oz. sirloin steak seasoned with only salt and pepper

Feeling: On top of the world, no temptations, slept awesomely


Breakfast:sweet potato, coconut oil, 3 scrambled eggs, coffee

Lunch: Turkey breast, Isreali Salad, Half of sweet potato/almond butter mixture

Pre-workout:Rest of sweet potato/almond butter mixture, ~2 oz. turkey breast

Post-workout: Butternut squash baby food

Dinner: 1.5 servings of Turkey breast, huge tomato, salad (no dressing), almond butter

Feeling: Great! No temptations and great sleep.


Breakfast:pumpkin, almond butter, 3 fried eggs, coffee

Lunch: Turkey breast, Isreali Salad, Strawberries

Feeling: Gross. Headaches. THE HANGOVER HAS HIT! Damn the wedding I had last Saturday...cake and alcohol! Paying for it...

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Well it's Day 4 and I'm feeling much better today. The rest of yesterday was very downhill. I decided to do a WOD even though I felt crummy and my body went from disliking whole30 to hating it. :unsure: LUCKILY, today it's starting to remember it needs to clean up it's act. I still have a dull headache but nothing to terrible...


Pre-workout: ~2 oz. turkey breast

Post-workout: Pumpkin/almond butter mixture

Dinner: Chipotle Carnitas salad, no dressing, pico, guac

Feeling: Awful...


Breakfast: Israeli salad (tomato, bell pepper, 1/2 onion, cucumber, jalepeno, alvacado oil, EVOO), with 3 eggs, coconut milk in coffee

Lunch: 6 oz. sirloin, half sweet potato, salad with vinegar

Feeling: Better but sleepy and a dull headache...undecided if I will work out today...

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