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Second Attempt, I can do it this time!!!


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OK, I confess, I started on April 1st and only lasted 10 days. I am starting again today and thought I could blog on the forum just to keep me going. I am going to be doing the Whole 30 and not my husband. I am basically healthy except for a few aches and pains here and there. I have been trying to eat Paleo since January but it is hard without support. My main reasons for doing the Whole 30 is to kick start me into eating healthy regularly and also to see if it helps me feel better physically and mentally. My husband and daughters have fibromyalgia and my oldest daughter also gets migraines. I hope that if I can change the way that I eat and it helps me that it will make them think about the way they eat and maybe try it to see if it helps them. That is it for now. Back to my eggs, zucchini and cuties and then off to grocery shop. I usually have meat with breakfast but as I said have to go to the store.

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