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Underweight/Anorexia and Whole30

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My husband and I are obese but our 21 year old son is underweight (under 100 pounds).  Will it be harmful to our son if the whole family changes to Whole30?  We were hoping to keep high processed/fatty foods in our son's diet (he likes Hot Pockets) with the hopes that he will gain weight (yes, we know this is a dumb idea, but it we don't know what else to do).  Can a 21 year old underweight man gain weight on Whole30 while his parents are trying to lose weight/be healthy?  I haven't seen any questions that have addressed anorexia.

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This article has some tips for maintaining or gaining weight on whole30: http://whole30.com/2013/12/keeping-weight-whole30/

If he is recovering from anorexia and has a therapist or doctor he goes to for that, he'd want to talk to them before trying anything. While whole30 is a healthy way to eat, and it's certainly possible for him to gain weight while eating whole30 approved foods, for some people who have suffered eating disorders, doing a whole30 can trigger their condition or cause them to develop others disordered eating habits. Some people do fine with it and feel it helps them in their recovery, but some don't, so that's something you and your son and his doctor or therapist would want to watch for.

Ultimately, if he can't keep weight on doing whole30, you'd need to do what you can to keep him healthy. I hope you find something that works for him.

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