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CraftyCarnivore W30 Round 2

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Today is Day Zero - I expect to be compliant, but still, need a day to transition back into things after a week of totally abusing gluten and sugar in Disney last week. :/

Goals this time around:

  • Minimal nut/nut butter consumption
  • Watching cooking oils
  • Before and after measurements and photos (doing those tonight)


scrambled eggs w/ 1 tsp coconut oil

roasted brussels sprouts

1/2 roasted sweet potato

avocado-salsa verde

M2 (restaurant)

Mediterranean shrimp Steak salad - mixed greens, shrimp, steak, onions, hb egg, tomatoes, peppers


citrus-garlic chicken thighs

roasted beets

salad with citrus vinaigrette


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Day 3 (yesterday) went like this:


Canned salmon w/ avocado, green onions, garlic

Sliced strawberries


"Comfort noodles" - I made these with sunshine sauce instead of the little almond flour things because those never turn out for me, and topped with chicken


L/o crockpot ribs

Baked sweet potato


Chipotle mayo

I had a snack of a couple pieces of proscuitto, too.

Day 4


2 eggs, SSU, cooked in 1 tsp. coconut oil

1/2 baked sweet potato

(forgot broccoli at home - doh!)

M2 from Whole Foods

Buffalo burger (no bun, obv) on top of

BIG salad: mixed greens, kale/avocado salad, roasted sweet potato, roasted garlic, roasted artichokes, balsamic and EVOO

fruit cup

M3 will probably be Chipotle carnitas. Not going to be home until after midnight.

This week's cook-up:

curried cauliflower soup

chocolate chili


whole chicken

I started my cook-up kind of mid-week this week, so I'm still working off that.

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