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Riding My Own Broom

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Back on the old broom! Whole 30 #2 a success, reintro another total failure :)

Yesterday was day 32 and I had a dinner out followed by ice cream... And it was delicious!! So yummy. But made my stomach hurt all night. So maybe I ate too much (maybe? Ha) or maybe it was too much crazy stuff - beans and flour and oils and dairy and sugar - but I'm not surprised! I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon.

And of course today no food is appetizing. Breakfast was sweet potato, egg, Kim chi, coffee with coconut milk. Lunch was egg muffins and a beef burger and sweet potato and Kim chi. Dinner is the laziest meal ever: chicken sausages on stovetop with bag of frozen pepper, box of mushroom, jar of tomato, apply lid and walk away. The sausages are trader joe and they do contain evaporated cane juice... But the other thought was PIZZA :( so I'm justifying healthy chicken sausages with the stupid cane juice.

It's so easy on whole 30. There are rules and you follow them. Simple. But now I'm having to make up my own rules again, it seems harder than last time. Maybe I was a bit naive last time about how long it takes for long term change to start feeling normal... I forgot that there are waves of different experiences that hit at different times... Before it was novelty, now it's following through on a promise to myself to improve my health... Not nearly as fun and exciting as novelty. But I can't go back to where I was in my health, so I will have to continue planning for difficult days by having lazy meals ready to make, and by saying no to the part of me who asks because I gave in last night...

A childhood memory surfaces: begging my mom and her abusive boyfriend to please take me out for ice cream. Desperate for attention, a round little 10-year-old girl, sad and lonely and begging for... Ice cream. Impossible to ask for what I really wanted, convinced they would have said no anyway. Not getting the ice cream, and feeling crushed.

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Yesterday's food choices were interesting. Compliant breakfast, followed by pulled pork BBQ with fixings for lunch, and half a falafel sandwich and a few dried figs for dinner.

Physically I feel ok this morning... Mentally/emotionally I feel beaten, wrung out. Ultra-sensitive and a bit paranoid. Worried about nothing and everything, and kind of paralyzed when I try to wiggle out from under this cloud.

Eating compliant breakfast and hopefully lunch and dinner. Breakfast is beef hash with kale and sweet potato, eggs, coffee with coconut milk.

Nature time later!

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