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Making Coconut Milk


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I didn't bother to check if someone has already posted how to do this (sorry if that's the case), but I'm excited so I had to share.

I've always bought canned coconut milk, and my personal favorite is Thai Kitchen's brand (also the easiest to find anywhere). Of course, like many canned coconut milks, this has guar gum in it. For the longest time, I thought I was reacting to coconut milk, but was never entirely sure since I always eat it in stuff.

I started doing the AIP, and have learned that I am super sensitive to a lot of stuff - food additives included. I started making my own coconut milk from boiling hot water and plain coconut flakes. Wow! No more reactions to coconut milk AND it tastes so much better!

I highly recommend those who love coconut milk try this. I think this might be cheaper than buying cans. All I do is put about 1 cup of coconut flakes (the bulk unsweetened stuff you can get at the grocery store) with 1 1/2 to 2 cups of boiling water in a blender, and blend it on the highest setting for about 15-20 minutes (you might need to take breaks for the motor). You can use it immediately if you're cooking with it, or stick in the fridge to cool it down. I don't know how long you can store it in the fridge because mine seems to get eaten within two days. I'd imagine you could freeze it, though.

This stuff is seriously yummy!

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