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I started over on June 25 (that was day 3 of my start over) and I'm going strong. I have found that I have a psychological craving for chocolate, especially in the evening. I am reading the "It Start With Food" book and I have implemented how to determine if I'm having a craving or am I really hungry. I ask myself, would I have a piece of fish and steamed broccili? My answer is normally, "no". So I understand I am having a craving. But the chocolate craving only happens in the evening, after dinner (not everyday though). I used to always have some kind of snack in the evening and it was normally something chocolate so I understand where this is coming from. Since that was a habit of mine for a long time it has been difficult for me to disengage from that habit. Any suggestions?

Also, yesterday I got severely bloated and sick to my stomach after lunch. For breakfast I had;

4 scrambled eggs w/ carrot sticks chopped very fine, broccili slaw, also chopped very fine, tomato, and diced sweet potato



3 eggs, chopped carrot sticks, handful of cashews, 1/4 cup coconut flour, 2 bananas, 2 tsps vanilla I smashed it all together and made 2 pancakes out of it.

I started feeling sick right after lunch. It was a feeling of being very full at first, then it turned into stabbing pains (intermittent), feeling as if I was going to throw up, and basically doubling over in pain. I took some Pepto and that didn't even work. It lasted for about 2 - 3 hours and then dissipated. I cannot figure out what happened based on what I ate. Help please!

This is an addendum to my previous post;

  • I started the Whole30 on May 25.
  • I started over on June 22 (because I had been drinking protein shakes for about a week that were not Whole30 compliant )
  • So the first time I was on Whole30 for 28/29 days
  • I have been on Whole30 the second time for 16 days

I added the number of days on the program because I am trying to understand what happened yesterday with what I ate and why I felt so sick.

Thank you to whoever answers this!!!

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This is an addendum to my previous post;

  • I started the Whole30 on May 25.
  • I started over on June 22 (because I had been drinking protein shakes for about a week that were not Whole30 compliant )
  • So the first time I was on Whole30 for 28/29 days
  • I have been on Whole30 the second time for 16 days

I added the number of days on the program because I am trying to understand what happened yesterday with what I ate and why I felt so sick.

Thank you to whoever answers this!!!


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