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My Whole 30 Log


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I'm starting my Whole 30 journey tomorrow, and I'm hoping that journaling about it here will help keep me on track and help me keep a sense of perspective.


I first stumbled across the Whole 30 idea about two weeks ago, but I was about to head on a trip to visit family where I would be completely reliant on them for food/meals, and I knew there was no way I could do it then.  My dad's a trained gourmet chef, and he loves to cook with tons of butter and heavy cream.  So even though I was excited at the prospect of starting the Whole 30, I decided to postpone it until I got back from my trip.


Fast-forward to my return, and suddenly the idea seemed a lot more daunting than when I had time to delay it!  For two days I waffled on whether or not I was going to do it.  I have very little self-control when it comes to food, and for the past two days all I've been thinking is, "Oh gosh, I wouldn't be able to have this.  I can't do it."  I told myself I'd try it later.  There's a family reunion coming up, and there will be lots of yummy lasagna I'll want to eat.  A friend is coming into town in two weeks and we want to go out together. "It's just not the right time," I told myself.


Well, this afternoon I decided to stop the excuses.  I ate out for lunch and my stomach got upset, which happens frequently.  I thought about how tired I am of that happening and never being able to pinpoint what's causing it.  I thought about how I get headaches sometimes and feel drained and like I lack energy, despite drinking lots of caffeine.  I decided that I had to at least try this.  It's 30 days.  I keep reminding myself that all those yummy foods I like will still be there when this is over.  This will not be my last chance to ever eat lasagna, and there will never be a "right time."  I owe it to myself to do it - if only just to prove to myself that I do have the self-discipline.


There will definitely have to be some big changes in my routine over the next 30 days - and not just in the foods that I eat.  I'll actually have to get up earlier and cook myself breakfast instead of picking up something on my way to work.  I'll have to buy more groceries and eat out a LOT less.  I'll have to plan a bit better, maybe spend a little more time at the stove and/or planning out meals.  I'll have to pack a lunch and actually remember to bring it into work with me (this happens to me frequently - I'll make lunch, then conveniently forget it when I walk out the door).  I will have to say "no" to the lasagna and the beer (for now).  I'm great at saying "no" to tons of things, just not food.  Hopefully this will help with that.


So, I am prepared for tomorrow, although I feel like I'm still flying by the seat of my pants a bit.  I have eggs and chopped up peppers for breakfast tomorrow, plus I'll eat an apple or maybe some other veggies if I still feel hungry.  Lunch is leftovers from today - chicken and peppers cooked with shallots, thyme and a little balsamic vinegar, plus a "salad" of cucumbers and tomatoes (one of my favorites, Whole 30 or not!) and a simple olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing).


Dinner tomorrow is not planned yet, so I'll have to figure that out and perhaps pick up a protein on the way home from work.  But I do have plenty of veggies in the fridge and freezer, so I know I'll figure something out.


I'm sorry this post is so long!  I'm sure many future updates will be shorter.

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Hi Eronn - I started a couple of days ago with my husband, and feel like we're also 'flying by the seat of our pants', despite having plenty of things prepared!! we're used to food prep, but this is completely different and we weren't organised in the same way....we're going ok so far though (on day 2, haha) and realising how to make next weeks prep easier :)


i'd suggest over estimating meals on the first couple of days - i'd rather be satisfied/full than hungry and looking for food/snacks. Also don't leave out starchy carbs! lots of people notice feeling tired without them, or getting hungry. I've got containers of pre cooked sweet potato and pumpkin in the fridge that I can add to omelettes, or drizzle with some fat and bake to make crispy etc.


you could also pre make breakfast - frittata, or leftovers etc. you could also take a few days worth of lunch to work to save you forgetting, and make meal prep quicker! 

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Day 1 went fairly well.  I ate:


Breakfast - three eggs scrambled with onion and chopped up peppers, plus an apple


Lunch - Leftover chicken and peppers cooked in olive oil and a bit of balsamic vinegar, plus a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with Tessamae balsamic vinegar on top.


Dinner - Sirloin steak, half an avocado, some roasted squash and onion, and salad greens with the same dressing as lunch.


I was not feeling quite satisfied after breakfast and lunch, but I didn't feel terrible hunger pangs, either.  I bought some sweet potatoes and roasted them tonight to add to breakfast/lunch tomorrow, even though I don't really like them.  But hopefully they will help keep me feeling full!


I'm pretty tired, but I think that's more because I only had one glass of unsweetened black iced tea today, and I usually have more.  I tried to just stick to one and drink water the rest of the day.  I never have a problem drinking plenty of water (I've probably had about five glasses since I've gotten home from work!), but I do think limiting the caffeine will hopefully help me sleep better.

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I found that making sure I was getting enough fat helped with the "being satisfied" feeling  - I've been having 3 eggs for breakfast, but also adding a little extra fat (spoon of mayo, or some avo) as well as the little bit I cook in. I also pile my plate up with vegies, just because I love them :)

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Day 2!  I stayed on track as far as food, although I did oversleep a lot this morning.  I got a horrible headache mid-day, and I'm not sure if it's food-related or if it was because I didn't have my usual iced tea in the morning.  I also got gassy after lunch (sorry TMI!), so I'll be trying to track which foods affect me that way.  


Breakfast: Three eggs overeasy, cooked in coconut oil (my first time using it - didn't notice a taste difference), roasted sweet potatoes (still don't like them, so I ate them first!), a slice of prosciutto and half an avocado


Lunch: Leftover piece of steak, lots of leftover veggies and an apple.


Dinner: Big salad also using leftover steak, with a whole cucumber sliced in it, tomato, half an avocado and my homemade balsamic vinaigrette (olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh minced garlic and dijon mustard)


Overall I haven't felt too overwhelmingly hungry in between meals, which is good.  Can't wait for day 3!

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Day 3 is going pretty well.  Today I ate:


Breakfast: Same as the previous day.


Lunch: Leftover steak, tomato pieces, baby carrots, an apple and a few pistachios.


Dinner: Ground turkey cooked with onion and garlic, mixed with fresh salsa.  Asparagus and a small-ish salad with balsamic vinaigrette.


I did have my usual iced tea (unsweetened) this morning, and had no headaches.  I did feel a little hungry between lunch and dinner, but I think it was because I was bored and not because my body was truly hungry.  Am hoping to get a really good night's sleep tonight, as I didn't last night.

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I've got to admit that I'm still struggling with them, BUT this morning I put salt on them, and they seemed much more palatable to me. So I'll keep trying that, or else I'll switch to something like squash.

Love them roasted with CO and salt - we add paprika/cumin/chilli/garlic powder too for spiced chips :)

Apparently it's nice with coconut milk and cinnamon? Haven't tried it like that though...

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Another successful day completed!  As this is day 4, I can now tell my mother that I lasted twice as long as she predicted (she said I'd only last two days)!  Although to be fair to her, she is being supportive - we have a family reunion to go to tomorrow, and I know there's barely going to be anything I can eat.  Luckily, she has to drive home around dinner time to walk the dog, so she offered to let me come with her so I can eat something at her place, then return to the reunion.  So I do appreciate that.  


Today I ate:


Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled, mixed with leftover ground turkey and fresh salsa.  Half an avocado and sweet potatoes, too (this time with some salt on them - I will try with some other spices next time I roast them!).


Lunch: Leftover steak (the last of it - finally!), leftover asparagus (lots of it!), and cherry tomatoes.  I also brought an apple but was so filled up by everything else that I couldn't eat it.


Dinner: A big salad with chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and balsamic vinaigrette.


Today was really good in terms of not feeling hungry between meals.  I did once again feel a little hungry during the afternoon, but I could tell right away that it was not because I was really, physically hungry.  I was easily able to last until I got home from work and made my dinner.


I did have two iced teas (unsweetened) today.  I'm thinking that next week I'm going to try and cut back on these.  Maybe I'll brew my own decaf tea and see how I do (because I genuinely do enjoy the tea and would happily drink decaffeinated iced tea if I could purchase it).


Lastly, my sleeping habits still need some work, but they are getting better than what they were.  I've been getting up earlier and hope to keep that momentum going.  And while I've still been going to bed "late" it's not nearly as late as I used to go to bed!  So that's another thing I'm working towards.


This weekend I'm hoping to make some homemade mayo, as well as clarified butter (got my cheesecloth ready!).

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Nice job Erron! You are doing so well! Especially for someone who it seems from your first post has never delved into the paleo/whole30 lifestyle (please correct me if I'm wrong on that). 


I look forward to reading your progress as I started my first Whole30 last Saturday. We're practically doing it together. 


I did want to add my two cents on sweet potatoes. You can do amazing things with them. First I like to cut thick wedges and prep them with an oil (I like olive so far), salt, pepper and a sprinkle of CAYENNE. The heat really elevates the smokey flavor. I roast them in the oven on 450 for about 35-45 mins, or until they are slightly blackened on the edges and really roasty/caramelly. 


Also this is super great recipe for twice baked sweet potatoes (if you can find non-sugar bacon, use it, if not ditch the bacon). I've made it several times and LOVE it myself plus I have gotten rave reviews from friends. 



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Thanks Jenna!  You're correct, before this my life was basically filled with sugar, pasta and lots of dairy!  I don't think I'll ever end up being full-on paleo or Whole30 compliant after the 30 days are over, but I do hope to gain a much better understanding of which specific foods affect me and how, so I can make an educated decision about when it's worthwhile to "splurge" and when it's not.  Who knows, there may be some things that I end up giving up completely - I guess it all depends on how my body reacts (and I'll be honest - if I lost weight, I would definitely be more likely to keep it up, even though that is far from my main motivator).


I will definitely try some of the sweet potato tips I've been getting!  I think I just haven't found the right way to prepare them for my tastebuds yet, but I'm getting there.

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Day 5 was definitely the worst day so far for me.  I had not one but two parties/gatherings I had to attend, and at both I was unable to eat anything provided.  It is much, much easier to stick with it when I don't have lasagna and cake and mac and cheese right in front of me.  I'm proud to say that I did stick to it, but it wasn't easy.  At one point my 17-year-old sister was like, "Can't you just have a small piece of lasagna?"  And then later she said something like, "This lasagna is so good!"  So I told her to shut up. :)  (Not in a mean way - we've got that kind of joking relationship.)


It was also a struggle to get what I needed because I was so dependent on things outside of my control.


Breakfast: Fixed at home - had leftover ground turkey with salsa and sweet potatoes.  I probably needed more veggies and some fat, but I need to re-stock on avocados and I was in a rush.


Lunch: I stopped at the Harris Teeter on the way to the first gathering (a Christening and party after), hoping I could get some things from their salad bar.  They had no protein I could really put on the salad, AND even their "salad oil" was a mix of canola and olive oil!  So I ended up just putting a bit of vinegar on the salad.  It wasn't great but it was the best I could do under the circumstances without having something off-plan.


Dinner: The second gathering was a family reunion, which I went to right after the Christening.  There was nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, there that I could eat.  Even the iced tea was sweetened.  Luckily my Mom had to run home to walk her dog, so I went with her and cooked myself four eggs scrambled with broccoli, some nuts (I forget the exact kinds, since I usually don't eat them, but they were all on the allowed list of nuts) and an apple.  


This day did teach me a few things, though.  I am strong enough to resist lasagna and cake.  I need to make sure that protein, carbs and fat are in every meal, or I definitely won't feel satisfied.  And I need to slow down and take my time to eat, otherwise I will not feel satisfied.


So, in the end I think I did my best, although this was hardly my best day.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow where I don't have to be in two places at once and rush around and can really make sure I'm eating what I need.

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Day 6 was better than Day 5, but still not great.  I had more family commitments, and while I didn't have anything off-plan, again I couldn't really eat a meal that fully met the meal plan.  I ended up eating 3 small meals, then when I got home I got a proper dinner (stopped in at Whole Foods and was able to find their compliant rotisserie chicken, then I also checked out their hot bar and was able to find some compliant roasted veggies).


After dinner I roasted some sweet potatoes (tried three different spices - cumin, smoked paprika and ginger - we'll see which one I like best) and made some clarified butter to cook with.  I was also able to get some grocery shopping done, so I'm actually looking forward to the week starting so I can get back to my regular routine.

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Day 7 - yay, back to my routine!  Nothing really out of the ordinary to report.  I had:


Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled in the clarified butter I made last night (they taste so good that way!), and some of the sweet potatoes I roasted last night.


Lunch: Leftover chicken, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and an apple.


Dinner: Pork chops cooked with onion in clarified butter, and a big salad with my dressing.


Lesson for today: need to add fat to lunch.  I forgot to do so and I definitely felt a little hungrier by the time I got home (although I still wasn't starving or anything).  Overall it was a pretty good day, though.  I occasionally think about the foods I miss, but I've been pretty successfully keeping strong.  And now I've gone a whole week, so a few more shouldn't be a problem (so I tell myself).

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Day 8 - still marching on towards day 30!  I made my own mayo tonight, and it turned out great.  I feel like I've been expanding my cooking horizons a bit, plus I've been really using all of my leftovers.


Today I had:


Breakfast - 3 eggs scrambled in clarified butter (yum), roasted sweet potatoes, a piece of prosciutto and half an avocado.


Lunch - Leftover pork chop, roasted sweet potatoes, baby carrots and some pistachios.


Dinner - Made a chicken salad out of my homemade mayo, plus I had some steamed broccoli.  It was a smaller dinner than usual, but I was feeling satisfied with what I had, so I left it at that.

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Hi eronn! I just read through everything and I was just wondering how you are liking your sweet potatoes? Have you tried any other veggies to change it up a little? What about butternut squash or something like that?  I have to say I relate with having a hard time finding something to eat at family gatherings.  Everything my in-laws eat is always full of pasta or rice or smothered in gravy. Good luck with it all! You are doing great!

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You know, I'm definitely developing a taste for sweet potatoes!  I don't like them plain, but as long as I have some salt on them, I'm enjoying them.  I do have other veggies to roast soon (I have green and yellow squash, and I'm going to the farmer's market at lunch today), I just haven't had time.  Usually I'd do that on the weekend, and it was all I could do to roast the sweet potatoes due to all the family stuff.

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Day 9.  I am TIRED.  Mostly because I still haven't been sleeping well.  I'm determined to try and change that tonight.


I ate:


-Breakfast: Pretty much my usual.  I think this is the one thing I never want to give up - getting up and making myself a real breakfast every day.  The eggs cooked in the clarified butter are divine, and I love feeling full until lunchtime.


-Lunch: Leftover pork chop, plus a lame salad.  I work on a college campus, and we have a farmer's market every Wednesday.  I was hoping there would be some veggies there I could eat with my lunch, but there weren't.  Instead I went to the student-run co-op, which is supposed to be all about eating healthy and organic, but their dressings all had soy oils in them.  So I got a salad plain because I knew I needed something in addition to the protein.


-Dinner: Made a pork loin (will have lots of leftovers from this, which is good because I need to eat lunch and dinner at work tomorrow, since I have plans afterwards).  Also roasted squash and some carrots, and had a cucumber-and-tomato salad.  Surprisingly, I didn't enjoy the tomatoes much!  I got them from the farmer's market, and they were way too sweet.  I don't know if they were overripe or if my tastes are changing (I'm fine with the cherry tomatoes from the store, but of course those will always be less fresh and sweet), but I definitely didn't enjoy them much.  


Right now I'm ready for this week to be over already!  For once I don't have five million things going on over the weekend, so I can actually relax a bit.

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Day 10 - I was CRAVING sugar today.  Walking past a donut shop was torture.  I held out, but it was a bit hard.  I will be avoiding fruit until I can get this under control.


I'm too exhausted right now to write everything that I ate out, but I think it's safe to say that I now love roasted sweet potatoes.  

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I am getting lazy about posting all the food I am eating!  But I have been on-plan - hopefully next week I will get back to writing everything down here, as it's hard to on the weekend.


Today is Day 12 - and I think it's a good sign that I had to go check the dates to see what day I'm on!  Instead of thinking about what I can't have, most of the time I'm just feeling like this is how I eat. 


This weekend I am dog-sitting for my parents.  I brought leftovers to eat at their house last night while they were getting ready to leave, and each of my three sisters stopped and commented on how good my dinner smelled and asked for a piece of sweet potato!  That felt pretty good, especially since one of them has been a bit skeptical of this whole process.


I also bought digestive enzymes today, but forgot to take them with my dinner.  Oops!  Hopefully I will remember to take them tomorrow.

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