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Period 6 Days Early or Spotting???


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Okay, so I have PCOS which means my cycles are not always regular. I've had some spotting over the last week or so (I'm on Day 8) and I'm 99% sure I ovulated over the end of last week. 


So now, I'm either spotting again very heavily or I have my period early. I normally have symptoms of PMS but I haven't experienced anything like that so far. I'm kind of just sitting tight to see what happens. Anyone experience this? If it's my period, cool, but why am I spotting so heavily if it's not?? 

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Take a look around, you'll see lots of women start their period early while on Whole30. It's likely nothing to worry about unless it continues for more than 7 days. Even if it does, your body will need a few months to level things out. Don't you wish doctors and/or educators would tell us that what we eat can affect our cycles??

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Oh, I'm very aware of that. Lol. With PCOS my diet is closely related to how regular I am in terms of my cycles. It was more the heavy spotting that I was curious about (which it turns out, that is what it is as far as I can tell). I'll have a closer look around, thanks! 

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