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Newbie here, started July 12th

Stephanie Barnet

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Hi! I am a newbie to a Paleo lifestyle and i am really excited to be here. I started Friday the 12th and so far so good. I have gained a lot of weight in the past few years and it is starting to affect my knees and back. I need to nip this now. I am only 46 and very concerned about my health. I guess one of the questions I have as I have read a ton of materials, is, What do you do after the 30? Can't you just continue on like this? The food is good I like the fact I get some fruit so I don't know when this is over, how does it change? Thanks for any advice!

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What do you do after the 30? Can't you just continue on like this? The food is good I like the fact I get some fruit so I don't know when this is over, how does it change? Thanks for any advice!


Hi Stephanie and welcome to the forum!

After you complete your Whole30, then you reintroduce foods gradually to see what/how affects you (one food group every 3 days, eating Whole30 compliant otherwise), and then, based on how you feel and the results you obtained, you decide how you want to eat long term.

Take a look at the threads in the Life After Your Whole30 part of the forum to see how other folks have decided to continue. http://forum.whole9life.com/forum/20-life-after-your-whole30/

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Hi Stepahnie!  I, too, started on July 12th.  I've been following Paleo for a few months but haven't been able to commit to the Whole30 until now.  I wasn't ready to give up the Cokes and chocolate, even if it was for just a month! lol



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  • 2 weeks later...

I started 12th too! Have had my ups and downs but so far really enjoying it, although snacking and sleeping have been a few factors. Knee and back issues are also something I deal with, one recommendation is go see a chiropractor (if you can) alongside your W30! They make a fantastic symbiotic partnership. I feel so much better both inside and out!

Hope both of you are getting on wonderfully :)

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