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July 15th is day one

Randy R

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Tomorrow morning will be day one for my Fiance and I. Anxious to get started but also a little intimidated. I know with us both doing and being completely supportive of each other we will succeed.


Week 1 is already to go food wise. Got all the meats from a local farmer at the farmers markey. All grass-fed beef and free range chickens. Lots of veggies ready to go with it.

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Hi Randy, and welcome! Good luck to you and your fiancee! It sounds like you've got a great plan in place -- preparation goes such a long way! -- and the support you'll give each other is invaluable. Can't wait to hear how it goes  :)

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Well we are on Day number 3. I love to cook so and we planned well so sticking to the right foods in a tasty way isn't hard. All the side effects however, are just as "It Starts with Food" said they would be. I woke up yesterday morning, on day 2, and it felt like I had done some heavy drinking the night before. This morning a bit of sore throat and backed up sinuses have both crept in. Becki is having issues with her stomach. She suffers from Crohns so I think the transition from unhealthy, leaky gut to happy gut is gonna be a little harsher than mine.


Had 4 hard boiled eggs this morning and half an apple for breakfast. Lunch is going to be beef and veggie soup I made with my bone broth... so yummy! Tonight we are grilling steaks and baked sweet potatoes.


Will check back in in a few days.

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Make sure you're getting enough veggies (you had none with breakfast, and only sweet potato at dinner), and adding your fats in - it'll make a huge difference to how you're feeling!

Prepping in advance, or making meals with leftovers is helpful and makes this a whole lot easier!

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Good call, I will make some baked zucchini/squash chips with just some sprinkled on sea salt with dinner. Breakfast was eaten in the car on the way to work. I was unexpectedly rushed and keep 7 or 8 hard boiled eggs in the fridge for an easy go to if things like this happen.

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Beginning of day 4.


Craving suck, but neither of us have given in to them yet. Im feel hungry all the time. Last night I actually finished off dinner with a teaspoon of coconut oil just to make sure I was still getting my recommend calories. Becki looked at me like I was crazy. I am assuming I am going to have an adjustment period for my stomach as well. It is use to be sitting down and putting a whole large pizza in it at once so I am guessing it will have to adjust in size and capacity.


I am sticking with 630 Meal 1, Noon Meal 2, 530-6 Meal 3 regardless of what my body tells me. Is this the correct thing to do? I know in the book it said "for the first week or two you can't always trust your body" so I am not.


We had frittatas Mon, Tues and this morning. Thats why I switched over to hard boiled eggs yesterday. I think it is time to stop looking at it as breakfast and really focus on it as Meal 1, and try getting away from the traditional breakfast funk.


Tonight we have our first outting to go meet her parents for dinner. We have already staked out the restaurant menu and we know exactly what we are having and what adjustments we have to ask them to make to stay 100% compliant.


We will check back in tomorrow.

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