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Starting Friday, July 26th...excited!


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Just began the Whole 30 today...after reading It Starts With Food, I realized I HAD to make a different choice, or my health issues would just keep spiraling downward...very hopeful. I'm doing the AutoImmune Diet as I have significant skin issues, and other inflammatory symptoms. The book is the first thing I've read that makes sense of and explains why I have been having these symptoms for so many years, even though I've been eating 'clean' for a long time! I'm grateful for this book finding its way into my life. Now to the fun of creating great meals; hoping my husband and mom will enjoy eating what i prepare for dinner, too! :)

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Welcome to the process.  ISWF is a great book and I always get more from it with another read through (on my third read of the book).


I am currently on day 26 of my third W30.  There are too many benefits to list but for me the control it gives is invaluable to me.  I lose cravings, eat for nutrition (rather than feeding hunger) and I am so much more happier with this program.  Enjoy all the benefits it brings to you!




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can I ask a dumb question? Why are you doing it a third time? Do you just not eat quite as strict if you aren't? Can ya do a whole364 lol? This is my first time. I'm on Day5. Feeling good. A wee tired but VERY LITTLE BRAIN FOG. Woohoo! NOW I am fighting that sweet craving. Like I would LOVE an ice cream and cake and a diet pop and a gumball. Ha! But it passes once I think, it will just make me feel like crap on toast if I eat it. it's been fun hunting for the grass fed pasture raised things. I've always shopped at whole foods thinking EVERYTHING there was healthy and ok, but reading their book made me realize I could make even better choices!!!

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