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Starting Today: July 28, 2013


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Today marks the official start of my first whole 30 challenge. I have been following the Paleo lifestyle for a while now but always manage to allow a few cheats to sneak in here and there which is what led me to embark on this new journey. I've also been very active in the crossfit community since August and loving every second of it. 


However, I am a little worried due to the fact that I will be returning to college this coming week to transition to another semester of nursing school which leaves me often scrambled to find time but I know that if I have the right mindset and make time to plan and prep my meals, then failing won't be an option. Any advice or tips/tricks from any of you would be much appreciated.


Is anybody else starting the challenge today as well? Fingers crossed I can make it the full 30 days! 

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i'd try and prep as much as possible - I tend to cook a lot, then freeze portions. this weekend, I had 3 pots simmering on the stove - chicken curry, osso bucco and Bolognese sauce. These 3 pots made 12 meals for 2 people!


I had sweet potato/pumpkin and chicken baking in the oven to use in breakfasts/salads/lunches/postWO. I've also got HB eggs. and a fridge full of vegetables to add to meals.


you could bake frittata type dishes for meals using lots of vegies and eggs - add enough eggs for the amount of serves you're making and a few meals will be done in no time! this is great to transport and easy to eat out if you need to take it to work or school.

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