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No Tiger Blood


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I'm on day 21 of my Whole30 and still feel tired. My workouts feel sluggish, and I find myself exhausted by exercises that have never tired me out. I know I'm not getting the recommended 9 hours(except for on the weekends), but I find it harder to get more than 7 because of my internship and swim practices. Seven hours used to be sufficient.


My whole30 has stabilized my energy levels in that there isn't huge fluctuations throughout the day, but I don't always feel like the actual energy level boosted. Do you think that my whole30 could be significantly less effective because of my lack of sleep? As an athlete, I'm not hugely interested in my weight number, but I would like to see more defined muscles. It seems to me that even after 3 weeks, my body hasn't toned up at all. How much of this could be due to my sleeping patterns?



Before my whole30 I wasn't eating healthy portions and I was working out way too much. On top of that, I am taking Adderall for my ADHD. I've read that adding a stimulant can further stress your body, so I have reduced my intake, but have not eliminated it completely (out of necessity for my internship).

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  • 2 weeks later...

You mentioned reducing your Adderall intake... I wouldn't underestimate how significantly this affects your overall energy levels and mental state aside from any other factor such as sleep. I spent the entire first half of this year weaning myself off of Adderall after taking it consistently for nearly 6 years. Each time I gradually decreased the dosage, I experienced 2-3 weeks of severe physical exhaustion and "brain fog" as part of the withdrawal. In order to fully understand the impact that Whole30 will have, you might consider giving your body/mind some time to adjust to a decrease in dosage independent of a major change in diet!  :)

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  • 1 month later...

On day 13 and no tiger blood here either. I feel good but not great. And I felt good before I started so was hoping to move to great during W30. Sleep has never been an issue for me. I sleep plenty and it is almost always sound sleep. I do think I am eating too many nuts and based on some other posts I read I might need to up my sweet potato quotient. Also not sure if I am eating enough. I feel like I am and I generally feel full after a meal, but then I sometimes get hungry between meals. And nuts are my go to for pretty much any type of craving I may be experiencing so not sure if I need to back off nuts for a few days.

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On day 13 and no tiger blood here either. I feel good but not great. And I felt good before I started so was hoping to move to great during W30. Sleep has never been an issue for me. I sleep plenty and it is almost always sound sleep. I do think I am eating too many nuts and based on some other posts I read I might need to up my sweet potato quotient. Also not sure if I am eating enough. I feel like I am and I generally feel full after a meal, but then I sometimes get hungry between meals. And nuts are my go to for pretty much any type of craving I may be experiencing so not sure if I need to back off nuts for a few days.

Consider posting 2-3 days worth of your food log in the Troubleshooting section and see if folks can give you feedback on some possible adjustments to make.

Nuts can be food-without-breaks for many.  If you're truly hungry between meals (i.e., you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini-meal including a protein and fat instead.  

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