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Day 8 in an Airplane and Day 7 recap


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Day 7 I went grocery shopping to get some more meat - compliant and even with all of the grocery stores around not as easy as I would think. Today was the first day I worked out and I felt better than the last 7 days.  I did 30 minutes of aerobics and felt okay.  As I have connective tissue and muscle issues I was very happy with the amount I did.  To give an example of my pain - if I carry a grocery bag that's really heavy, my arm and chest will feel like a heart attack later that night.  It sucks but it has not held me back.


Breakfast was an egg salad with a drop of olive oil to add moisture, spinach and artichoke salad and a half an apple.  I finally got to work on my Well Fed cookbook  and made the Pad Thai.  I originally was going to add chicken which I grilled with ginger and applesauce but I pulled out shrimp and ended up making Shrimp Pad Thai. Holy Moly delicious!! As I was flying the next day I decided to whip up another batch for the plane but this time with chicken.  For dinner I had the chicken with steamed spinach and kale and a yam.


But the awesome pat on the back to myself comes from flying across the country two planes all Whole 30 compliant.  I packed the Pad Thai and a small chunked yam, a fig, handful of almonds, some grapes and two eggs.  I took a small icebag and had it filled after security to keep my food cold.


Prefect!  Day nine here I am!  To be truthful - I never thought I would get here.



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