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Day 25 and everything has shifted


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I dont know what hppened to yesterdays post but I am trying again.  I have turned this food program into an I love myself program.  I have been motivated like never before because I can see the promise of better quality living and health.  Can 24 days do that - not completely but it can give me the inkling of what is possible.


I have rekindled my love of cooking and of trying recipes that sound interesting and unique. My counter looks like a produce section with fruits and vegetables. I embrace all of the recipes out there and make my own and I have not come close once to crossing the Whole 30 guidelines line.  I took to heart what Dallas and Melissa said and have put my foot down with myself.


I have tried not to read any posts anywhere by people who have to start over or by people who poo poo the program.  I was like that everytime i dumped a diet. But I realize that I never wanted better living this badly.  And no stepping on the scale for me.


So what has happened in 25 days?  My skin is clearer and my eyes are whiter.  The pain is reduced.  Taking control of my eating has given me control in other parts of my life.  My home is neater, I am more focused on tasks and as I just started a non-profit really need to be on top of everything.  I feel in control of my life insetad of my life being control of me.


I am going to keep going beyond the whole 30.  I am planning on making it the a new program called the whole life.


The saving grace has been planning and preparation and lots of recipes.

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So happy to read a real person thrilled with the program!  We are on day 22 I think.  Looking forward to incorporating some cocoa, honey, and non-caveman but still paleo-legal foods (like banana muffins with coconut flour) into our diet after day 30.  We haven't noticed any drastic changes to our health.  But I have noticed a kind of constant energy level throughout the day, when the alarm goes off it isn't so hard to get out of bed anymore, no matter what time it goes off... YAY!  Also both my husband and I have lost weight - me about 6lbs which is really great for 3 weeks!  


Planning and preparation is hard, but getting better for me!  I love PaleOMG.com... that chick cracks me up! 

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