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n9vember's 1st Whole 30: July 16 - Aug. 17, 2012!


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I figure if I make it public, I have to keep it honest, right?

Day 1 (yesterday):

1. 2 hard boiled eggs

2. homemade chicken salad (avo, cuke, carrot, chicken, cashew) + blackberries

3. Curry meatballs (a la PaleOMG's site) + broccoli slaw + strawberries

Day 2

1. breakfast casserole (eggs, sweet potato, chorizo, onion), with 1/4 avocado + coffee w/ coconut milk + 1/2 c. blueberries

2. homemade chicken salad (avo, cuke, carrot, chick, cashew)

3. Curry meatballs + broccoli slaw + strawberries

I'm a creature of habit, so there are going to be some repeats!

Anyone think I have too much fruit?

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Your log looks good. I am less concerned about the fruit as I am the protein. Make sure you are getting enough protein and food in general. 2 eggs for breakfast is hardly enough and we want to ensure we have protein, veggies and fat in each meal.

Day 2 looks better…nice job!

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Thanks, Carie! I had a physical in the morning and had to fast from midnight, so I kind of did a grab-and-go with the eggs between my appointment and arriving at work. The breakfast casserole I had today was great. I think that may be my key to easy, adequate protein in the a.m.

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Day 3:

So sadly boring, but repeats of meals 1 & 2 on days 1 & 2:

1. breakfast casserole (eggs, sweet potato, chorizo, onion), with 1/4 avocado + coffee w/ coconut milk + 1/2 c. blueberries

2. homemade chicken salad (avo, cuke, carrot, chick, cashew)

3. This meal is TBD, but I have a marinated tri-tip roast and marinated zucchini in my fridge, just waiting for the grill tonight! I will try to not resort to fruit, but drink some tea post-dinner.

I also need to get outside to run, but it's humid as can be here in Chicago and I think I'd be better off running in the a.m.(love morning runs!)

Also need to take care of my breakfast options for tomorrow morning, as I've consumed the last of my breakfast casserole. This time, I'm thinking of an egg w/ shrimp casserole type of thing. Last time I baked one, the eggs took a century to cook through the middle at 325. Regardless, if I don't have something prepared, I'll be starting off on the wrong foot, especially if I'm taking the time to run before work.

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No run this morning, which I'm really sad about! We had major thunderstorms all night over Chicago. While I'm grateful for the much needed rain, it put a little damper on my running plans, as it was still pouring when I woke up (on top of that, my lovely little pug kept me up all night barking at the thunder). I opted for an abbreviated yoga workout, instead. I really need to get back to a more consistent yoga practice. All of the running is killing my flexibility. That said, I need to run tomorrow.

Other than that, I'm starting out the day with crazy low energy. I'm trying to limit my caffeine intake, but I needed an extra cup of coffee when I got to work this morning. I've got deadlines that don't stop because I want to pull a Costanza under my desk...

Day 4:

1. Made some crazy egg/sweet potato/red onion/shrimp breakfast casserole last night, which I ate this morning, with a 1/4 avocado and 1/3 c. blueberries + coffee (w/ coconut milk)

2. Did not bring my lunch, so I will grab a salad, chock full of protein and veggies and healthy fat. I love salad. Boy do I!(not facetious, I could eat salad for every meal...)

3. TBD, most likely tri-tip roast with zucchini and grape tomatoes

I have, so far, managed to keep it to 3 meals/day minus snacks, which is huge, because I do love a snack! I'm going to have to be vigilant today, because when I'm overtired, I'm more prone to bad food decisions.

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Will you look at that...how time flies! I am due an update.

Day 5:

1. Breakfast casserole(shrimp, egg, sweet tato, broccoli) /coffee with coconut milk/ 1/4 avocado/ 1/3 c. blueberries

2. Almonds/ cashews*/ chicken with avocado

3. Tri tip roast (so insanely good) / grilled zucchini/ a few blackberries

*way too many cashews...it was a bit of a cashew free for all

Day 6:

1. Coffee with coconut milk, then 6 mile run (I felt like I totally bonked, perhaps should've eaten first?)

Post run, bfast casserole w avocado

2. Chicken breast/ sauerkraut/ guacamole/ tomatoes

3. Tri tip/ sauerkraut/ broccoli w coconut oil....3 strawberries

Day 7

1. What the heck else, but breakfast casserole (I do love my casserole..), 1/3 c. blueberries, coffee + coconut cream

2. Did not bring lunch (sad face), but think I am aiming for BLT salad from downstairs (bacon, romaine lettuce, grape tomato, egg and I'll add chicken) w/ olive oil & vinegar dressing

3. Asparagus saute (with onion and mushrooms), leftover beef, strawberries

I feel like things, having started my 7th day are going well so far. I do think I need to step up my game with meal variety. I just wish cooking wasn't such a chore. I also need to get in more running. This past Saturday's run seemed terrible. I haven't had a bad run like that in a while, but I did it in a fasted state (with the exception of a cup of coffee) My energy level and sleep are not at a great point, yet, but I have high hopes that that will come with time. I'm also sorely tempted to get on that scale, but I refuse to give in to that temptation. Just going to go with the flow...

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Day 8:

1. the last of this incarnation of the breakfast casserole (I am so bummed, I don't have time tonight to start a new one for tomorrow's Meal 1, since I've got a gallery thing I need to attend with my husband, one of the featured artists...), coffee + coconut milk (i'm loving this) + 1/3 c. blueberries

2. roasted veggie (zucchini, red peppers, red onions) salad with chicken and olive oil + a few random blueberries

3. this is going to be problematic, as I have to leave directly from work for the gallery thing. I will probably run downstairs and see if i can grab some HB eggs and a coconut water. I won't get home til after 9, most likely and I don't like to eat that late, so it's before my event or not at all.

One miraculous thing happened this morning...I had a much easier time getting up and feeling rested when the alarm went off at 5:30 than I normally ever do. Then, I was treated to a MAJOR thunderstorm. Nice because my garden needs the rain.

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Day 9:

I'm kind of tired now (I must be, I initially went backwards in time to day 7), but I woke up sans alarm this morning a little before 5. Instead of just lying there and repeatedly hitting snooze, I got up, walked the dog and ran a 5.5K. This run was MUCH better than the last one. I had a few strawberries and macadamias before heading out, which I think helped me not bonk like last time. Gearing up for another 100+ day in Chicago..fun times! I tell you, this non-stop heat/humidity has really squashed my energy.

Meal 1, part one: Pre-workout: 4 strawberries, about 8 macadamias and a cup of coffee w/ coconut milk

Meal 1, part two: Post-workout: 1 chicken sausage + 2 HB eggs

Meal 2: salad! Yippee! Exactly what kind has yet to be determined, but I'm already excited about it*

Meal 3: chicken breast + guac + brocc

Still wondering if I should chill on the fruit...I'm going to try to not have more today.

*Turns out Meal 2 was a total fail. I went to Q'Doba after trying to get data to load on my stupid AT&T iPhone and when I finally did, the first blog I found said the grilled chicken and veg were paleo safe. Nope. Damn it. I was doing SO well.

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Day 10:

Meal 1: chicken sausage + 2 HB eggs + coffee w/ coconut milk

Meal 2: Chipotle (lettuce, carnitas, tomatillo salsa and guac)..wow, super filling. Almost too much so. At least I thoroughly vetted the nutrition before I purchased. I don't think I should do Chipotle too often, but at the moment, I'm a little ill-prepared with lunches from home (need to grocery shop after work)

Meal 3: chicken breast plus broccoli, sauteed in coconut oil and grape tomatoes.

I am making a conscious choice to avoid fruit and nuts today. I feel like I lean on them too heavily.

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