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Post Baby Whole30...

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I can't help with baby tips, but...EAT!! :)

If you're BFing, you'll need lots of nutrients, and extra calories. Most mums plan 4-5 proper meals a day to be able to get enough food/nutrients to support them and their bub. These meals should all fit the template - protein, fats and vegies - not just be snacks. Including starchy carbs would be a good idea to keep energy levels up.

Doing food prep, or cooking in bulk may be a good option for you so you have food on hand without needing to put in a lot of regular cooking effort.

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Hi! I have a 4 month-old and just completed my first whole 30! I had to make food my self-care priority, as sleep is still not good. (My baby still nurses every 2 hours, even overnight.)

I try to make a big frittata or batch of egg muffins to have around. Also the crock pot is my new best friend, as often the prep for the meals is simple. I started buying pre-washed mixed salad greens so that I can make salads quickly. I keep Applegate Organic chicken sausages on hand for quick protein. Also cans of Wild Planet salmon are good. And for dense carbs I will bake either a few sweet potatoes or some squash every few days. Olives and avocados are good for quick fat. Ground beef is good. I sometimes cook up a couple pounds just to have to cook with eggs ir make lettuce wraps, etc. For me it's important to have animal protein (not just eggs) at each meal.

And I eat a lot! 3 large meals plus one smaller meal, at least. Sometimes 2 smaller meals. Keep us posted!

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Thank you all! 


I'm not BF, but it's still a constant job, as you know :) I love the idea of the egg muffins and having the chicken sausages. I'm on day 5 and going strong! Feeling less bloated and stronger mentally! 


I really liked the "I had to make food my self-care priority" and I'm keeping that in mind! 

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I make this recipe once every two weeks or so and slice it up and freeze the slices.  2 minutes or so in the microwave and I have a great breakfast or lunch.  I just add a fruit or veggie to my plate.  My kids love it too.


Paleo Savory Sweet Potato Meatloaf
  • 2.5 lbs ground beef
  • 1 sweet potato, shredded
  • 1 sweet yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1lb uncured bacon
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup raisins
  • ¼ cup golden raisins
  • ½ tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Time to get your meatloaf ‘insides' ingredients going. So take ½ of the 1lb of bacon and chop it up into bite size pieces. Add to a deep saute pan and begin to cook down. Once the fat has began to rise, add your chopped onions and raisins to the pan to cook with the bacon.
  3. While those ingredients cook together, shred your sweet potato either in your food processor with the shredding attachment or with a shredder.
  4. Once the bacon is cooked through, the onions are slightly translucent, and the raisins have begun to bloat (you'll see what I mean) add them to a large bowl along with all other ingredients: beef, sweet potatoes, almond meal, eggs, and all seasonings.
  5. Now use your hands to get dirty. Mix all ingredients thoroughly together and press meat into 2-3 bread loaf pans. I get the disposable ones because then there is no clean up. I'm dirty enough as it is.
  6. Top off the meatloaf with the extra slices of bacon.
  7. Bake for 40-45 minutes.
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