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Day 4 am feeling tired, is this normal for starting but gets better within 30 days


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Hi I'm just in to the end of my day 4.  I'm feeling very tired, not much energy yet I am truly eating meat, vegetables, small amount of fruit at the end of meal, am cooking with coconut oil or ghee. I'm drinking water with lemon - nothing else.  I have followed strict, no cheating.  This no energy makes it hard to want to cook or go for a walk. 

As the days go by does the energy level come up?  Surely it will. Anyone else experiencing the fatigue? Anyone that has done the whole30 remember how far into it that their pep came?


Healing to all of us on this new way of eating.


Off subject, can someone tell me how to find my posts?  I don't know where to look once I post them other than to go to my profile and look.  thanks, new don't know my way around forum yet.

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You energy will definitely increase!! I've attached the timeline - this is what most people seem to experience through their whole 30


You can "follow" posts, or look at the "new content" to see if there are any replies. Anything you've started or commented on will have a star next to it, or speech bubbles depending on the device you're viewing from. You could also just check the section you posted in

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Thank you Amberino, your post sending the timeline site was very helpful.  I like knowing what might but most likely will be ahead of me, especially with the part of pants becoming tight, that would have thrown me totally off guard.


I appreciate your response covering both my questions.  Healing to you and all of us.

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