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Whole 30 #3


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Today, I started what will be my third Whole 30. I did one in March and another in May, and stayed clear of sugar while training for a big race at the end of August, thanks to the better grip I developed over my long-term sugar addiction via those two rounds. Post-race, I (purposefully) let up on the diet a little bit and have had trouble getting back on board for more than 4-5 days at a time. I'm sitting here a month post-race and have decided that I need a solid 30 days to get back into good habits in the long term.


My main motivation for starting Whole 30 is the same as it was for the first two - to lose weight to deal with my PCOS. I am technically not, nor have I ever been, overweight - for the past year, my BMI has hung out around 23-24 - but I am told that bringing my weight down 10-20 more pounds will be helpful. The better hormone balance and reduced inflammation from a healthier diet will help as well.


Because of the PCOS and some other issues, I have some other restrictions I'm going to be following:

-Nuts and eggs are out - I've noticed that the more I eat, the more I swell up. A solid 30 days without either will help me determine if I need to stay away from these for good.

-Fruit is (mostly) out - fructose is particularly problematic for women with PCOS, and of course, when used improperly, fruit can keep the sugar addiction going. A small amount of fruit as part of a dish is OK, but I stay away from fruit on its own. Particularly dried fruit, which is candy with extra fiber and vitamins.

-Coffee is out - I regularly wake up several times in the middle of the night; all the caffeine I was taking in via coffee can't be helping. A cup of green tea in the morning will get me through, right? (Please lie to me and tell me "yes.")

-Sweet potatoes and coconut butter are out - I use all both of these when I'm craving something sweet, and it allows me to hold onto those terrible habits.

-Coconut milk used in a dish for cooking is OK, but solo is not - I use plain coconut milk to deal with sugar cravings. Not OK.


And to address another bad habit of mine, I'm going to get in 100 oz of water every day during this Whole 30. All that coffee left me not drinking enough water, and I was getting dehydrated.



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Day 1 (9/26/13)


Going off the coffee hurt. A lot. I've been on nearly nonstop business travel since mid-August, and I use coffee to wake myself up after a poor night's sleep away from home. A cup of green tea sipped between 8 am and noon took a little bit of the edge off, but not much. Otherwise, the day went fine, just squashing the constant sugar cravings.


8 am: Butternut squash, chicken, coconut oil.


12 pm: Chicken in tomato sauce (homemade), zucchini cooked in coconut oil


4 pm: Salmon, coconut oil


4:30 pm: Easy 5 mile run


6 pm: Salad with spinach, tomato, butternut squash, chicken, olives, balsamic vinegar.


Water check: 100 oz down, even though it required taking in 12 right before bed. Need to drink more earlier in the day.


Also of note: 9 miles of bike commuting, 1 cup of green tea before noon.

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Day 2 (9/27/13)


Slept better than normal last night, maybe cutting the coffee is helping already. Woke up without an alarm at 5:30 am feeling OK - typically, I will wake up at 3 am feeling awful and have trouble getting back to sleep, and often give up at 4:30 am and just give up. After work, I did a good deal of cooking:


-Roasted green beans

-Caramelized onions

-Eggplant dip (just pureed roasted eggplant/onion/red pepper/tomatoes)

-Chopped various other veggies


More will happen tomorrow or Sunday, I need to restock my fridge and freezer after all the business travel I've been doing.


6 am: Chicken and coconut oil


6:30 am: 2000 meter swim


8 am: Butternut squash and chicken


10:30 am: Coconut oil (bad idea)


11 am: 3.2 mile run, with some GI disagreement from the pre-workout coconut oil. It works for biking and swimming, I guess not running.


1 pm: Chicken, tomato sauce, zucchini, broccoli.


4 pm: Coconut oil (good idea - gave me an energy boost  to get through the cookup)


6 pm: Homemade burger, homemade pickles, a bit of chicken, lots of roasted green beans, some eggplant dip


Water check: At 96 ounces right now, a half-empty water bottle is sitting in front of me.

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Day 2 (9/27/13)

Slept better than normal last night, maybe cutting the coffee is helping already. Woke up without an alarm at 5:30 am feeling OK - typically, I will wake up at 3 am feeling awful and have trouble getting back to sleep, and often give up at 4:30 am and just give up. After work, I did a good deal of cooking:


-Roasted green beans

-Caramelized onions

-Eggplant dip (just pureed roasted eggplant/onion/red pepper/tomatoes)

-Chopped various other veggies

More will happen tomorrow or Sunday, I need to restock my fridge and freezer after all the business travel I've been doing.

6 am: Chicken and coconut oil

6:30 am: 2000 meter swim

8 am: Butternut squash and chicken

10:30 am: Coconut oil (bad idea)

11 am: 3.2 mile run, with some GI disagreement from the pre-workout coconut oil. It works for biking and swimming, I guess not running.

1 pm: Chicken, tomato sauce, zucchini, broccoli.

4 pm: Coconut oil (good idea - gave me an energy boost to get through the cookup)

6 pm: Homemade burger, homemade pickles, a bit of chicken, lots of roasted green beans, some eggplant dip

Water check: At 96 ounces right now, a half-empty water bottle is sitting in front of me.

Your food today confuses me slightly - You only have 1 actual meal, with 2 postWO's, a preWO and some coconut oil. I would have had a proper meal (or a mini meal at least) at 4 as well as 6! Try to stick to the template, and include a protein, fat and vegies for every meal unless it's pre/postWO.

You were very active so need to fuel yourself properly. Missing meals and (kind of?) snacking won't let you get the full benefit from your whole 30, or help you get the most out of your training.

I'm not sure about you, but I don't think spoons of coconut oil aren't the nicest things on the planet! There are better fuelling options :)

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Your food today confuses me slightly - You only have 1 actual meal, with 2 postWO's, a preWO and some coconut oil. I would have had a proper meal (or a mini meal at least) at 4 as well as 6! Try to stick to the template, and include a protein, fat and vegies for every meal unless it's pre/postWO.

You were very active so need to fuel yourself properly. Missing meals and (kind of?) snacking won't let you get the full benefit from your whole 30, or help you get the most out of your training.

I'm not sure about you, but I don't think spoons of coconut oil aren't the nicest things on the planet! There are better fuelling options :)

Thanks for stopping by with the feedback! Plain little shavings of coconut oil are more delicious than you might think, I promise! I know many athletes like it as a pre-workout option because of the medium chain tryglycerides, and I've personally found that a tiny bit of it can get me through an hour or two when the next meal is not going to happen for some time for whatever reason. Last night, it was because I didn't have anything on hand and had to get cooking for a while. Ideally, I'd have a fridge full of prepared food, but recent business travel made things dicey.


I guess I considered 8 am, 1 pm, and 6 pm to be solid meals. I'd read feedback from others here indicating that for light workouts, an extra post-workout meal wasn't necessary if a normal meal followed right after the workout. Swimming 2k and running 5k are both easy workouts for me - the swim was at an easy pace and was probably similar to brisk walking. If I'm doing 2 workouts a day (not uncommon), if I do a pre- and post-workout meal for each one, I'd be eating something substantial 7x/day, which seems unnecessary. If the normal meal follows a workout closely enough, is the extra meal really necessary?

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Day 3 (9/28/13)


Didn't have the best night's sleep going into today, not sure why I woke up twice (1 am, 3 am) as I've kept the coffee 100% out. I started the day with an actual meal instead of a small pre-workout snack, because there was no way I'd have made it through the morning biking and swimming otherwise.


6:30 am: Butternut squash, chicken, coconut oil.


7 am: 25 mile bike – my power fell off near the end, probably because I was underdressed for the cool temperatures. I guess summer is over.


9 am: More butternut squash, chicken, coconut oil.


10 am: 3600m swim, mix of drills, harder efforts, and easy swimming. No trouble keeping up with the lanemates.


12 pm: Burger made with lean ground beef, HUGE salad with spring greens, grape tomatoes, roasted butternut squash, balsamic vinegar. I got in 2 palms of beef, I was hungry after biking and swimming. Go figure.


7 pm: Steak, steamed delicata squash with coconut oil, homemade pickles, kale cooked in olive oil.


Other: Walked just under 3 miles doing errands. No green tea today, counted on the crisp air on the bike to wake me up.


Hydration check: A few ounces over 100.

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Day 4 (9/28/13)


Slept horribly last night – woke up five times to go to the bathroom. I moved the bulk of my water to earlier in the day, but this was still an issue. Maybe it's a detox/sugar unloading thing. Hope it clears up soon, I want the lack of coffee to pay off with some SLEEP.


I noticed today, and yesterday, that I want to push the edge of the 2 palm-sized servings of protein right after long workouts, but then later in the day, feel satisfied with much less. I haven't noticed this with shorter workouts.


5:30 am: Butternut squash and chicken.


7 am: 10 mile run (6 miles easy, 2 miles half marathon pace, 2 miles 10k pace) – blew up the last mile and had to jog it in, probably too ambitious starting in mile 7.


9:30 am: Butternut squash and chicken, with a second serving of this with coconut oil stirred in to avoid missing fat all day.


3 pm: Mini meal – wasn't hungry earlier, but wasn't going to make it until the 6 pm dinner time for tonight's party. Grape tomatoes, spinach, small serving of salmon, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar.


6 pm: At a party, where the host is a good friend who knows all the Whole30 restrictions and I brought some food to share. Pork tenderloin, cucumber, eggplant dip, bell pepper strips, zucchini roasted in coconut oil.


Other: One cup of green tea before the run.


Hydration check: Downed the last 3 oz at 8 pm.

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Day 5 (9/30/13)


Another night of badly broken sleep. Wide awake from 4 am on, but not too tired except a short mid-afternoon slump that I combatted with (caffeine free) peppermint tea. I think I may revise my daily water goal to 80 oz – 100 oz just has be up going to the bathroom far too often during the night. I'll go for 80 starting tomorrow to see if this helps the sleep issue.


Otherwise, I felt pretty good today.


5 am: A few bits of chicken


5:30 am: 3.5 mile run, then 40 minutes of strength training.


7 am: Butternut squash and chicken.


8 am: Finished off the butternut squash and chicken once I got into the office, this time with a little coconut oil added since I'd gotten in my post-workout meal already.


12 pm: Green beans cooked in coconut oil, homemade eggplant dip, part of a leftover homemade burger. Didn't finish the burger or eggplant dip as I started to feel nauseous while eating.


4 pm: Nausea gone, hungry again. Finished off the bits of leftover lunch, plus a few baby carrots, as a mini-meal. Ideally, I'd have just eaten this all at lunchtime.


6 pm: Sausage and chicken cooked in coconut oil with caramelized onions. Side salad of greens, tomatoes, and balsamic vinegar.


Other: 9 mile bike commute. No green tea or any other caffeine today.


Hydration check: Got in 100 oz. Last day for that goal, going to try for 80 oz from day 6 on.

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Day 6 (10/1/13)


Another not-so-great night of sleep last night. Went to bed early (9 pm), only woke up once, but was up at 3:45 for good. Finally got out of bed, did a little work, and got on with my workout. Definitely felt tired in the afternoon and didn't have coffee to compensate. Hopefully tonight brings some good sleep.


5:30 am: One hour bike trainer session (no hard intervals, just steady state)


6:30 am: Butternut squash and chicken


12 pm: Burger, green beans cooked in coconut oil, eggplant spread


4:30 pm: More eggplant spread (delicious), broccoli and carrots in coconut oil, salmon.


6:30 pm: 3800 yard swim


8 pm: Little bit of chicken and butternut squash


Other: 1 cup of green tea sipped between 8 am and 1 pm. 9 mile bike commute, ~2 miles walking around in the beautiful weather to do errands.


Hydration check: 80 oz (new goal as of today) down the hatch before 9 pm.

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Day 7 (10/2/13)


Only woke up twice in the middle of the night, but was up for a good half hour around 4:30. Finally got up for good just after 6 and headed into work. Also ran into the difficulty of EXTREME hunger today. Looking back, maybe it is because I didn't have any starchy carbs first thing in the morning? Every other morning of this Whole 30, I've had some squash, normally because I have a workout. I am going to try having some winter squash, even if just a half serving, as part of my vegetable serving each morning. Other than the hunger, energy levels are OK, and tonight's speed work at the track went well.


7:30 am: Greens, grape tomatoes, salmon, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar.


9 am: A few bits of coconut oil – was not going to make it to lunch but couldn't leave my desk. Need to avoid repeating this.


12 pm: Green beans cooked in coconut oil, eggplant spread, burger.


2:30 pm: Hungry to the point that I would have eaten steamed fish and vegetables. Put together a mini-meal of butternut squash, eggplant spread, and chicken.


5 pm: Salmon, butternut squash cooked in coconut oil.


6:30 pm: 5.5 mile track workout, including 1600, 2x800, 4x400 at threshold effort


8:30 pm: Chicken, butternut squash.


Other: One cup of green tea between 8 am and 1 pm, 19 miles of bike commuting.


Hydration check: 90 oz, over the new goal of 80 oz, but it was hot out and I cycled quite a bit today so I should have probably had more.

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Day 8 (10/3/13)


Still not sleeping through the night; definitely catching up with me this week. I got hypoxic REALLY quickly in my swim workout tonight. I also started feeling serious sugar cravings this evening. While swimming, of course. I guess that made it easier to resist.


6 am: bit of chicken and coconut oil


6:30 am: Weights session


8 am: Chicken, butternut squash


12 pm: Broccoli, eggplant spread, burger, coconut oil.


4:30 pm: Salad of greens, tomatoes, butternut squash, a few olives. Salmon and turkey sausage with caramelized onions (definitely towards the “2 palm†portion of protein)


6:30 pm:  4000 yard swim


8:30 pm: Chicken, butternut squash.


Other: One cup of green tea during a 9 am meeting.


Hydration check: 80 oz in, plus a little extra during the two workouts.

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Day 12 (10/7/13)


Sleep problems continue – lots of early morning waking and drifting off to sleep for 45-60 minutes. Not ideal. Last night, one of my dreams involved eating a cereal bar. Why does my subconscious have such terrible taste? Tonight, I made some apple-cinnamon date bites to have before long/intense workouts, as I'm having GI issues when I try to have a larger meal in the morning. Going to have to STRICTLY limit those to before or during long or high intensity workouts. I definitely sampled 2-3 balls worth tonight, and I need to watch my fruit/carbohydrate intake given the PCOS.


7:30 am – Butternut squash, chicken, coconut oil.


11:30 am – Spaghetti squash, roasted eggplant and zucchini with coconut oil, tomato sauce with a mix of turkey and beef. Salmon on the side to round out the protein.


3:30 pm – hungry enough for fish. So, I had a little salmon and coconut oil.


7 pm – Salad of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, kabocha squash cooked in coconut oil, chicken. Apple-cinnamon date bites on the side (quality control, right?).


Other: No green tea today. No exercise beyond walking around a bit, either.


Hydration check: 80 oz in!

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Day 13 (10/8/13)


Finally got 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. Here's to hoping there's more on tap for tonight. Also found that getting in a small amount high GI carbs right before my tempo run was extremely helpful, not just for the run, but for my energy the rest of the day. I should only need this for my very intense workouts (tempo runs, track workouts, bike intervals).


5:15 am: two apple-cinnamon date bites, bit of chicken


5:30 am: 6.7 miles tempo run with hill repeats


6:45 am: bit of chicken and butternut squash


8 am: remainder of chicken and butternut squash


12:30 pm: Roasted eggplant/zucchini, spaghetti squash with coconut oil, tomato sauce with turkey/beef mix. Bit of salmon on the side.


4:30 pm: Chicken, broccoli, butternut squash, coconut oil. Extra salmon on the side.


6:30 pm: 4100 yard swim


8:30 pm: Chicken, eggplant dip, coconut oil.


Other: one cup of green tea sipped between 8 am and 1 pm. 12 miles of bike commuting.


Hydration check: 80 oz, plus extra during the workouts.

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Day 14 (10/9/13)


More difficulties with sleep, but on a good note, taking in a little bit of high-GI carbs immediately before hard workouts (tempo/threshold runs) seems to have my running paces improving. No cravings of non-compliant food dreams today.


6:30 am: 40 minute strength training workout


8 am: Chicken, acorn squash


11:15 am: Bit of chicken, date bite.


11:30 am: 50 minute fartlek run - 6x(4 min threshold pace-1 min easy)


1 pm: Spaghetti squash, eggplant, zucchini, tomato sauce with turkey/beef mix, olive oil.


4 pm: Chicken, coconut oil


7 pm: Half a burger and some chicken, kabocha squash, onions, peppers, coconut oil.


Other: 10 mile bike commute, one cup of green tea between 9 am and 1 pm.


Hydration check: Just over 80 oz.

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Day 15 (10/10/13)


Halfway! My cravings for sugary things are almost gone, but the cravings for delicious seasonal veggies are still here. Super! Both of today's workouts felt really strong. I'm going to have to go back and re-read this entry when I'm tempted to eat something sugary.


6:30 am: 90 minute bike trainer tempo session. Ate some date bites for mid-workout fuel.


8:30 am: Acorn squash and chicken.


12:30 pm: Lettuce, tomato, butternut squash, balsamic vinegar. Burger and coconut oil.


5 pm: Mix of turkey and beef in tomato sauce, spaghetti squash, eggplant, zucchini, all mixed with coconut oil.


6:30 pm: 4000 yard swim, with some high-effort 200s and 50s


9 pm: Acorn squash, turkey sausage with chopped dates.


Other: No green tea today. 2.5 miles of walking to do errants.


Hydration check: 80 oz, plus whatever I guzzled during the 90 minutes on the bike trainer.

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Day 16 (10/11/13)


Well. This day was not the best. I stuck with compliant foods all the way, but had bought some dates and dried fruit to make fuel bits for my long workouts and races…and started eating that instead of my dinner. This is a bad habit I've had for years – I get home from work, and rather than fixing dinner, I snack on things that are not the best choices (coconut butter, nuts, dried fruit). Having an option to quickly reheat helps, but yesterday, the dates looked too appealing. Lesson learned – get in that dinner before the snack monster hits.


6:30 am: 40 minutes of strength training, light on the legs because I have a race on Sunday.


8 am: Butternut squash, chicken, coconut oil.


12 pm: 5 mile run, with 1 mile at 10k pace.


1 pm:  Eggplant and zucchini roasted in coconut oil, spaghetti squash, tomato sauce, mix of beef and turkey.


4 pm: Bit of chicken and coconut oil.


5:30 pm: 4 dates and a dried peach.


6:30 pm: Mix of beef and turkey, broccoli roasted in coconut oil, eggplant dip.


Other: One cup of green tea between 9 am and 2 pm.


Hydration check: About 90 oz of water.

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Day 17 (10/13/13)


Today went OK, all compliant. Dinner wasn't really on the template on anticipation of a race the next day. Don't need all that fiber.


I decided to try adding coconut butter back in. If I'm not eating nuts, I need a wider variety of fat sources. I will see if I can keep consumption under control – hopefully by sticking to the template!


9 am:  Acorn squash, chicken, eggplant spread, coconut oil.


11:30 am: Quick 2 mile shake out jog.


1 pm: Salad of romaine, tomatoes, chicken. Butternut squash with coconut butter.


3 pm: 2100 yard swim with some sprints.


6 pm: Dates, goji berries, coconut butter, butternut squash, mix of turkey and beef. Tried to keep it lower volume in anticipation of a race the next day.


Other: 3 miles of walking to run errands, no green tea today.


Hydration check: 90 oz.

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Day 18 (10/13/13)


Everything was a little off today because of an 8k road race I have. All compliant food, just not strictly on the template, or on a normal schedule. Back to the template tomorrow!


6:30 am: bit of chicken, a few dates


7:20 am: 1.5 mile warm up jog


7:45 am: 1.5 dates


8 am: 8k race, half mile cool down


10 am: Butternut squash, chicken, coconut butter


3 pm: Eggplant dip, cucumber, coconut butter, chicken.


7 pm: Coconut butter, goji berries, turkey/beef mix, broccoli


Other: 1.5 miles of walking to run errands. A cup of green tea before the race in the morning.


Hydration check: 80 oz.

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Day 19 (10/14/13)


No workout today, no work today. This was by design, but wow, do I have a hard time balancing meals when I'm out of routine. Not to fear, I have meals prepped for the week!


7 am: Kabocha squash, coconut butter, turkey/beef.


2 pm: Salad with romaine, tomato, chicken, dried mango, balsamic vinegar. Butternut squash and coconut butter.


6 pm: Broccoli roasted in coconut oil. turkey/beef, figs.


Other: Walked about 8 miles. Mint tea (decaf) midday.


Hydration check: 90 oz!

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Day 20 (10/15/13)


Back to work, back to template-based meals. Today just buzzed by without temptation or cravings for noncompliant foods. Well…I will admit that I want my 100% cacao chocolate back on day 31. It's delicious stuff.


5:30 am: 3.2 mile run, 25 minutes of strength training.


6:45 am: A few bites of chicken and butternut squash


8 am: Acorn squash, chicken, coconut butter.


12 pm: Spaghetti squash, zucchini/eggplant roasted in coconut oil, mix of beef and turkey in tomato sauce.


4:30 pm: Chicken with coconut butter and leftover veggies from breakfast and lunch, broccoli.


6:30 pm: 4000 yard swim workout


8 pm: kabocha squash, chicken, chopped figs, coconut butter.


Other: 12 miles of bike commuting. No green tea today.


Hydration: 85 oz in.

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Day 22 (10/16/13)


Felt pretty good today, even though I'm still short on sleep. I'm waking up before my alarm, not taking caffeine in the morning, and not feeling tired all day. Nailed today's workouts, both of which were pretty demanding.


5:45 am: 90 minute bike trainer workout with intervals. Ate some dried mango during the warm up.


8 am: Chicken, acorn squash, coconut butter.


12 pm: Spaghetti squash, eggplant and zucchini roasted in coconut oil, turkey and beef in tomato sauce.


4 pm: Kabocha squash with chopped dates and coconut butter, salmon and chicken.


6:30 pm: 5.3 mile track workout including 4x1200 meters threshold.


8 pm: Turkey sausage, peppers and onions, coconut butter, figs.


Other: 19 miles of bike commuting. No green tea today.


Hydration check: 85 oz.

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Day 22 (10/17/13)


Today was a not-so-great day - everything I ate was compliant, but I was off template again. Flying across the country, and now staying in a hotel without a kitchen, fridge, or cooler. I *will* stay compliant, and my diet won't be the best, but it will be better than it would be off Whole30.


4:45 am: 45 minute bike trainer spin, 30 minutes of weights. Ate some dates one the bike trainer (NOT going to wake up at 4 am to eat breakfast)


7 am: Chicken, butternut squash.


10 am: Coconut flakes, dried mango, figs (NOT GOOD - I know...)


1 pm: Salmon, salad with romaine, grape tomatoes, cucumbers. Coconut flakes.


7 pm: Chicken, kale salad, salsa, dried mango, goji berries, coconut butter.


Other: 4.5 miles of walking once I finished flying across the country. No green tea.


Hydration check: 85 oz.

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Day 23 (10/18/2013)


Another not-so-great day regarding the template, but still compliant, and I got in my protein and veggies. I compromised and am eating dried fruit to get my carbs for exercise, since my typical winter squashes aren't an option with no kitchen. I think that fruit and I don't get along – I suspect that perhaps I have fructose malabsorption issues.


I'm away from home to judge an athletic event, and the officials' room is typically stocked with candy, cookies, and pizza for meals. Skipping all of it and bringing my own snacky veggies and protein sources (compliant salmon and chicken I pick up from the grocery store). I think this makes me feel much better than all the sugar I'd typically eat during one of these events. It is still difficult because we have short 15-20 minute breaks for eating, which isn't enough time for a full meal if one is ALSO going to refill their water bottle, go to the bathroom, etc. So I'll be doing more mini-meals this weekend rather than scarf food down and get ill from that.


7 am: Salmon, dried mango, snap peas, coconut butter.


11 am: Grape tomatoes, snap peas, goji berries, flaked coconut, salmon.


2:30 pm: Figs, coconut butter


3 pm: 7.15 mile run – beautiful scenery here in New Mexico.


5 pm: Dates, salmon, baby carrots.


8 pm: Bit of chicken, dried apples.


Other: A cup of green tea in the morning.


Hydration check: I think it was right around 80 oz – hard to tell with the number of times I filled up a partially-full water bottle.

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