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First whole30 start: January 13


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Hello. My name is heather. I am 41 years old and I am excited to begin my first whole30. I go in for gallbladder surgery on january 16th, which will be my whole30 Day 3.

I have celiac disease and have been gluten free and dairy free for almost ten years. I also suffer from hypothyroidism, and have been soy free for years as well. I have interstitial cystitis, so I can't have too much caffeine or alcohol. I have experimented with different ways of eating (from vegan to paleo), but still find myself having terrible digestive issues.

I don't eat night shades, red meat, beans, legumes, nitrites/nitrates, artificial colors or additives.

Presently, the only grain I eat is brown rice (in the form of a rice cake). I only eat an occasional egg (1-2/ month),as I have found they bother me right away.

My foods are very limited due to my health issues, but I am going to attempt allowing meat during my whole30 so that I can be as true to the plan as possible.

I will be following the autoimmune protocol for the whole30 and plan to make it a true whole90.

I am really hoping to reset my digestive system and curb my sugar (dark chocolate) cravings.

I have an incredible husband and four amazing kids (ages 10-18) who deserve for me to be the healthiest I can be!

I am not overweight (5'4", 120 lbs), so I am not overly concerned with losing weight. I practice yoga every morning for 30-45 minutes and walk 3-5 miles with my husband, twice a week. I also walk my dogs 5 days a week (1-2 miles). I know I need to get more sleep and I need to learn to say no in order to keep my stress levels down.

I know my weaknesses and my strengths.

I am ready to begin this challenge!

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Finally 40,

I would love to join up with you. Im starting my second W30 on Jan13 and will be doing the AIP this time. My first one (oct 2013) gave me great results. Ive been eating mostly Paleo since then. We have a lot in common!! I too am in my early 40s. I have a husband and have 4 kids too. I also have Celiacs disease (gluten free for almost 6 years now) & thyroid issues. Im 5'5 & 120lbs. Im also Sensitive to certain foods like dairy, eggs & legumes and nightshades. I do love my chocolate too!! I also like Yoga and would be interested in the type that you practice. Im active and workout 4-5 times a week. I work full-time as a paramedic in a busy 911 system.

I know you mentioned you were going to make it a W90. I would be up for that challenge with you. On my first W30 my sleep improved dramatically my gut felt so much better too, digestive issue improved as did my skin complexion and my energy.

I would love to do this with you!! Its great to have someone else along the road to do it with!! Lets definitely keep in touch on this forum. I found that last time it really helped!!


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Good morning! I am really looking forward to learning from your experience, how to work through my first whole30. I cannot wait to feel healthy! It is fantastic to meet someone with similar background to go through this with.

Day one, let's go!

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Finally 40,

Great to hear from you! Im going to have to have a delayed start. I seemed to have a bit of a stomach bug for a few days and only seem to be able to eat broth, tea and paleo muffins(which arent W30 approved cause they have honey in them) i will let you know when im ready but happy to support you in the meantime.


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