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Starting my Whole30 journey tomorrow!!


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I plan on starting tomorrow too!  I have RA and am overweight, with really bad eating habits.  So, I am hoping this plan will help with all of that.  I am nervous though, I don't have a very good track record when it comes to sticking with lifestyle changes.

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Hi guys, I'm starting my first Whole 30 soon too. Starting on February 10th.


I've tried/done every diet there is and have been about 10 kgs over weight my whole life (not a lot, but a lot to bother me).


I'm a competitive salsa dancer and competing in the world titles this year in Miami so decided it's time to get my life and body in order!


I've toyed with Paleo before.. eat mostly paleo for a week at a time then off the wagon with alcohol & junk food and it's a vicious cycle.


Completely committed to a full 30 days - I owe it to my body!!

Recovering from injury I'm hoping for improved recovery, more energy, better sleep, better hair and skin plus the added bonus of weight loss :)


Here we go!!!

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I'm starting tomorrow also!  Very excited but nervous.  I'm not much of a cook, so that's going to present a challenge. 


I'm not much of a cook either Susan!! However I'm not really a fussy eater so I get buy with raw vegetables..


Poached chicken is my favourite... boil a pot of water.. add some herbs and spices if you like.. garlic is great.. when water is boiling add chicken and ensure covered by the water.


Let water boil again, pick up the chicken with tongs and move around a bit to make sure the water is really hot inside the little air pockets.


Put a lid on the pot and turn the stove off. Leave it for about 1 - 2 hours depending on how much chicken.. with four breasts I usually leave about 1.30..


Then when you remove the chicken - just tear it into little pieces with your hands.. very moist and easy to prepare..


I have it with chopped carrot, celery, cucumber & capsicum, some cashews.. and it's lunch!!

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