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April Fool - Starting 4-1-14


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My name is Dawn and I'm 44, I work full-time, have a husband and two wonderful teen boys. I'm heavier than I was when I was pregnant with either of them and can't really use "baby fat" as an excuse anymore. I'm tired all the time, have sinus and allergy problems that are out of control and I'm ready to do something to feel like myself again. A dear friend of mine from college has just finished Whole30 and posted a photo of herself on facebook the other day...I thought it was a picture of her from college. She sent me the link and here I am. I have the book which I plan to read over the next few weeks. April Fool's Day seems appropriate because I know the way I've been eating are foolish and I'm ready to stop making such foolish choices. My biggest concern is the fact that my husband will roll his eyes and think this is just another fad. Without his help I know it will be hard. He does most of the grocery shopping and cooking, which means I will be doing this on my own. I am hoping over the next two weeks I can get ready physically and mentally for this journey.

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