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Ten weeks pregnant and time to get serious! Suggestions for Whole30 when nauseous?

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Hi everyone!

I am 10 weeks with baby number two.  My first pregnancy was uncomplicated but I fell off paleo/exercise and this time around I really want to stay on track.  That being said...I have not been where I want to be for the last month (way too many non-paleo indulgences, barely exercising).  I have been nauseous 24/7 and making bad food choices.  I'm starting B6 supplements which seem to be helping and I'm planning on starting a Whole30 on Sunday (06APR14).  I would love to hear any suggestions about meals, managing queasiness, etc.  Thanks!

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Small, frequent meals with protein can help (I know, who wants protein). Eggs, roast chicken, steak (but not ground beef, if you're like I was). Coconut flour baked goods, especially "bread" (I know this isn't Whole30 but at this point, I think anything you can tolerate is good). Herbal teas like peppermint, raspberry leaf, or Sleepytime. Seltzer water with lemon or OJ. There are some paleo "puddings" out there that are tolerable (some made with pumpkin or banana). Even just banana mushed with some shredded coconut or something. Sipping on coconut milk. Lots of broth/gelatin. Going outside and doing some deep breathing can help. Going to bed early so you're oblivious for awhile, lol. I have heard magnesium spray can help but I didn't notice anything. And a subscription to Amazon Prime or Netflix, lol. Seriously, I'm on pregnancy number six and mostly I just have to remind myself that the first trimester doesn't last forever and the morning sickness is for a "good cause". Good luck - hopefully you're close to feel better. 

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