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One week down, seven days of Whole30 meals, 21 pics...


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...take a peek at http://glenn-ricafrente.blogspot.com.


Everything came on schedule. Cottony head on Days 2-3 ("The Hangover"), could barely keep from snapping at my boss on Day 5 ("Kill ALL the things!"), and now I can barely keep my eyes open at 9:30 -- and I'm normally a night owl ("I just want a nap..."). On the plus side, the food has been plate-licking good, and when I'm not sleepy or ill-tempered, I'm a rocket-fueled, task-completing machine. Feels weird. But good. But weird.

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Sounds familiar to me Glenn.  I'm officially on Day 2 but I started 3 days before I committed so it's actually Day 5 for me.  I have some nausea and a headache off and on and lots of bloating.  I'm falling asleep earlier than usual (usually watching TV - The Voice last night).  I slept very soundly and didn't want to get out of bed.  My two dogs saw things differently and made me get up.  The food is good though!  Keep on truckin as they say!!!

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This is day two for me and I woke up dizzy hitting the walls. Did not drink enough.  Usually drink diet soda and some water.  Bad bad. I'm upping the water big time today. Otherwise I feel pretty good.

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I am also on day 2! Glad to hear there are others who are experiencing similar things, I have been SO tired as well. And will also be upping the water intake today. I definitely didn't drink enough and must confess that I did not eat lunch yesterday as I was not home and unprepared. Never doing that again...and don't worry, I've lectured myself enough.


I am enjoying things I've cooked, too. I had the sweet potato hash from nomnompaleo.com both yesterday and today and was full and thought it tasted delicious.  Can't wait to try other new dishes!


Keep it up everyone!! 

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