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4/21 is the day!!


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My acupuncturist suggested this diet plan to me and I think I'm going for it! I have struggled with my weight ever since I got pregnant with my daughter is 2009. I started off at 155lbs which I believe is my ideal weight for being 5'6. My midwife pretty much guilted me into stuffing my face because she would always say I wasn't gaining enough weight! Fast forward... I gave birth to a 7lb 6oz baby girl while I was tipping the scales at 200lbs. I managed to get down to 165 but my weight has steadily risen the past year and I am more than ready for a change! I am moderately active. I try to workout everyday, work with kids all day long, and then try to keep up with my 3 year old. We eat pretty healthy, but there are a few days where we treat ourselves. I feel like I have tried everything so here's to another shot at not being thinner, but to be healthier.

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Hey, me too!  I'm excited to start Monday, and a bit anxious.


Okay, after "cleaning" house, I'm ready to jump into Whole30 with both feet. I am giving myself Easter Sunday as my last celebration, starting Whole30 first thing Monday morning. My hubby is on board with the support. I've been eating Paleo for some time, however I fell off the rock-wheeled wagon during a interstate move. I haven't been able to stick with it, and feel that I need to detox and get all that crap out of my system. I also have an autoimmune disease (I have it, it doesn't have me) that really liked a "clean" lifestyle. Its time to give myself a "gift of life." I'll be back, and ... fingers crossed.


We CAN do it!

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