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sensitivities to mold from coffee/tea perhaps?

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I've noticed that when I drink coffee or certain kinds of tea (green or black) that I start to feel brain fog. However, I've experimented around a bit and found that if it's black coffee, non-decaf, organic, and freshly ground, I usually don't feel this same type of brain fog or jitters- so long as I don't have more than one cup. Could this be due to the mold that might form on coffees or teas? I don't know how to explain this. I have considered cutting out coffee but I love the taste and smell of a supposedly healthy food.

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I am no expert but I know if you buy decaf you want to choose "Swiss Water Process" decaffeinated -- otherwise they use chemicals to decaffeinate it.


I've also read that you want to buy organic coffee as pesticides are heavily used in non-organic coffee.


I don't know anything about tea, though.

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