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Reduced pore size?

Alix B.

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I also have much better looking skin on Whole 30.  Not sure about pore size, but I certainly don't breakout the way I do when not on Whole 30.  The first time i did it, my sister commented on how clear my skin was. 

This is my second time and I'm noticing the smooth skin myself.  What a nice bonus! 

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I'm only on day 6 of my first Whole 30 but I noticed on day 4 that my blackheads on my nose were more noticeable.  I didn't have time to do my usual scrub but noticed that night when I washed that they were gone and my pores on my nose are noticeably smaller and fewer blackheads.  Whoo hoo!  They've taken up residence for 20+ years, time to move on. 

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My skin is definitely much smoother although my pores are still large... no breakouts during my period last week and I ALWAYS get large cyst-like pimples so I'm happy to accept my large pores for now!!

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Guest WholeStanley

yes! pore smaller, skin clearer and much less puffy - I have suffered with bad skin for nearly a decade so this was a surprising but very welcome benefit of my whole30 (I'm on day 24), it makes me think I never want to reintroduce sugar into my diet..

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