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Beth's Whole60 Log & Insights


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Here we go! Starting a Whole60 today! I am so excited for this process. A process that I believe will cleanse me from the inside out, mentally and physically.


I completed my first Whole30 in August 2013. At that time, I was not working and was able to focus 100% of my energy on the food going into my body and the daily workouts I was doing. That first Whole30 was amazing. My body felt energized and revitalized and I knew that I was progressing in the right direction for a new, healthier me. Then life happened and I moved, started working full time and then the holiday's hit. Since then my diet has been mostly paleo/clean 5 days a week. But as soon as Friday nights would hit, I was off the wagon until Monday morning. Burgers and beer and pizza and beer and wine and Mexican, at our favorite Mexican restaurant, EVERY Sunday night. The month of May was a turning point for me. I had started Crossfit and I knew I needed to make some conscious decisions to change my eating patterns. Ready for another challenge, I began my second Whole30 on May 5th with a girlfriend and unfortunately derailed Memorial Day weekend. I've identified factors that contributed to my caving and really hope to focus on them this time around so as not to fail this healing process.



This time around, I have the support of 2 girlfriends who are doing the 60 days with me. I'm absolutely positive they will be an incredible support system to get me all they way through the plan this time. I'm starting today on a less than ideal platform, but that's okay because I know life doesn't always go as planned. I had my wisdom teeth extracted 4 days ago so I'm still suffering through a soft/liquid diet. My food log will be lacking these first couple of days but I know I have the resolve to make it through 4 or 5 days just fine. I won't want to start killing all the things until I get super bored with what I'm eating. Which leads me to some key points I need to really focus on this time around....



1) Time is not an excuse. Last time around, it was a weekend out of town that I chose to use as an excuse for derailing. I still have weekend activities scheduled but will do a better job of planning and packing ahead meals to fit my life style. I have an abundance of resources at my fingertips that I will have to utilize to commit to this 60 days. 


2) Food has always been more than just nutrition for me. Cooking is a creative outlet, mental escape, and a way for me to rejuvenate and revitalize myself after a long day at work. I lost sight of that last time, so this time I plan to get myself in the kitchen and cook up new, inventive meals that satisfy this creative outlet of mine. I want to find new, interesting recipes and adapt them with Whole30 approved ingredients if needed and through this continue to nourish myself and the people around me. 


3) Going to restaurants on a Whole30 plan, sucks. No way around it. I love to try new, fun, interesting foods and restaurants are my downfall. I hate ordering boring salads or burgers without cheese. But I'll stick to it and take notes on interesting menu items and try to recreate them in my own kitchen using Whole30 approved ingredients. 


4) Last time, I found I became a creature of habit when it came to meal planning and eating. Breakfasts were always the same, my fat sources were always the same. Variety is the spice of life. Time to mix it up this go around. 



With all of that out on the plate, CHEERS to a Whole60. May it inspire me, heal me and revitalize me. Thanks for being such an incredible community!

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Day 1:  I know these meals are lacking but unfortunately have to stick to soft foods. Making it work the best I can. I feel low on energy but I believe that partly stems from recovering from having my wisdom teeth removed 4 days ago. 


Meal 1

Smoothie - Frozen banana, sweet potato puree, unsweetened apple sauce, almond butter, almond milk, ground nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon


Meal 2

Smoothie - Frozen banana, sweet potato puree, unsweetened apple sauce, almond butter, almond milk, ground nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon

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Thanks Nyx!


Here's an update to my meals since I was unable to access the Forum's yesterday. 


Day 1:

Meal 3

1/2 avocado 

shredded chicken



Day 2:

Meal 1

3 soft boiled eggs


Meal 2

1/2 avocado

shredded chicken

roasted broccoli

sweet potato puree


Meal 3

Baked Cod

Homemade tomato, basil, olive, garlic, evoo "salsa"

Roasted broccoli & cauliflower

1/2 sweet potato w/ ghee & cinnamon



Day 3: Woke up this morning feeling tired, unmotivated and uninspired. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep. My mouth continues to hurt from having my wisdom teeth removed last Thursday. I tried to eat more "solid" meals yesterday and I think this contributed to the pain this morning. Hence, the smoothie again this morning. 


Meal 1

Smoothie - canned pumpkin, banana, unsweetened apple sauce

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Whine, Whine, Whine. That's literally all I have been doing for about a week now. Seriously. Sick. Of. It. I feel bad for everyone around me. Nobody likes a negative Nancy. Whatevs. Today is Friday and so starts the weekend. Another jam packed, adventure filled weekend awaits as soon as the clock strikes 5:00. If you remember, traveling is what threw me off of my game the last Whole, errr 18. So this time around I've done a lot of planning and packing and refuse to let anything shake my confidence. 


Water Country USA, anyone? What says summer fun more than a day at the water park? That's right. Nothing. Growing up, my family and I would make it a priority to spend at least 1 day a summer at Water Country. Such awesome memories. The slides with the 4 person tubes were always my favorite. You'll find me in those lines or on the lazy river. Anyways, so instead of spending $15 on a mystery meat burger and greasy french fries, I've packed a plethora of food that I'm actually excited to eat. And let's be real, nobody wants to feel bloated in a bikini. Here's what's getting packed into the cooler:


Applegate Farm's Roast Beef for Lettuce Wraps with compliant bacon, pickles and dijon mustard

Marinated cucumber & dill salad

Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Apples & Raspberries

Epic Bars 

Sparkling Water w/ Limes


After the water park we are heading to my sister's house for a celebratory BBQ. Once again, I'm not relying on being able to eat a lot of food there so I'm bringing along my cooler and a package of Appelgate Farm's Uncured Beef hot dogs. Here's to hoping they let me snag a corner of the grill.  ;)  Sunday will be another little mini challenge all on its own. My sister's baby shower. I'm imaging lots of oohing and ahhing and cute little pink cocktails and mini sandwiches and little appetizers. My weakness. But I'm going to hunker down, eat what I can, ignore what I can't and bring some of my own delicious Paleo Shepherd's Pie. 


Now that I've laid out a plan for how I'm going to stick to the Whole60 through this weekend of travel, let's back track and log the food I have eaten since my last post. 


Day 3:

Meal 2

Whole30 compliant Chicken Apple Sausage

1/2 sweet potato

Roasted broccoli & cauliflower


Meal 3

Chicken Thighs & Mushrooms in homemade coconut "cream" sauce (This is one of my own recipes that I go back to time and time again. A 1 pan meal that comes together in 10 minutes. One of my faves)

Sauteed Spinach

Mashed Cauliflower




Day 4: Had my 1 week post op dentist appointment to check out how my mouth was healing from having my wisdom teeth extracted. Doctor said everything looks great. At this point all I can do is exercise my jaw to get rid of the stiffness and start eating more. Oh and green light to wod again, which I have been majorly slacking on. Whomp whomp. 


Meal 1

Smoothie (Last one, promise) - canned pumpkin, unsweetened apple sauce, almond butter


Meal 2

Chicken & Mushrooms in Coconut "cream" sauce

Roasted broccoli & cauliflower

Fresh tomato "salsa" from Day 2



Lamb, Currant & Mint Epic Bar - If you've never had this, you have to try it. Holy. Cow. (Or lamb) haha


Meal 3

Homemade Shepherd's Pie

   - Ground Beef

   - Green Beans

   - Crushed tomatoes

   - Mashed sweet potatoes

Roasted Broccoli

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