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Day 31


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I'm there, and I can say with a lot of enthusiasm that I lost 8.2 pounds in these not so easy 30 days. I feel good although I expected to have more energy. I would have liked to feel like doing sports more while bursting with the highest energy! So I'm starting again tomorrow for another W30 and this time will be more prepared with all the food for my meals. "The clothes make the girl" Melissa J. has great ideas for this.

It took me so much time at first I felt my days were sucked up in a black hole!


So that's it, I will write everyday on the forum because I will miss so much the support from the daily newsletter and need some gardians of my good faith with my second journey!

"Whole30 On" everybody!

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hello Paleomedic! Round 2 is not very different from how I felt on the last week of my first W30. It's good because I'm not going through rollercoster feelings of detox from sugar and others foods this time. I've done it once and it's enough! I indulge in a few things during the 2 days off I had in between the 2, and Sugar has an effect on me that is close to being depressed. I'm not sure... Makes me angry and not in a happy mood a few days after I ate it.

Now I can see my levels of energy growing a little bit each day, but still, it's hard for me to really observe very specific changes. I think it's because I had so many little aches and pains here and there I lived with that there's a lot to heal. 

Anyway, going very well. I wanted to incorporate a 30 day of 20 min. of physical activity, but honestly, I have problems starting, There is resistance to exercise. I'm working on that. I want to do yoga. I've done it before and I need the peace it offers.

This time, it's not so hard to come up with meals and preparation! Good luck to you for your second round. Keep me informed. 

Bye for now!

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