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started July 12!


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Hey all!


So I started my first Whole30 this morning.  I wanted to start on a Saturday because the weekends are always when I lose my healthy eating habits.  I've been a meal planner and a "healthy eater" for awhile, but it always seems like I'm never full until I've had dessert after a meal.  I cave into cravings way too easily, and my weekends seem to be day-long grazefests.  If there's a dessert in front of me, I can't resist it.  The biggest reason I'm doing a Whole30 is so that I can feel in control around food.


So far today's been okay--I'm a bit tired now but it might be because I forgot to drink coffee today!  Also, I've been hungry, but I really think it's just because my body's wondering why it's not snacking.  Seriously!  I had a great lunch, but afterwards I was still hungry and I think it's just from habit!  After lunch is where things always go downhill!


Anyway, such a long intro post, but it feels good to finally make the concious decision to take control.  I'm nervous and excited all at the same time--and terrified of the first time a big cravings hits! 


Wish me luck!

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Hey Blair - good luck!

I figured starting on a Saturday would be better for me too - the weekend would generally be when most of my excesses would occur but I would have more focus to tackle it. Monday morning, with all the stresses and distractions that come with back to work and back to school, didn't sound like a great time to also be dramatically changing my diet.

Anyway - hope to see you at the finish line :) All the best.

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Day 1 went down pretty well--a few hours after I made dinner, my husband decided he wanted a cheesesteak from this restaurant my family goes to every Saturday night.  I always want to go but he isn't the biggest fan of hanging out with my family (typical in-law problems, I guess, since I feel exactly the same way about his family!!), and of COURSE he wants that food the first day of W30!  He ordered take-out and brought it (and the best fresh-cut fries in the city!!) home, but strangely I wasn't tempted at all--probably the first day high, or something. 


My energy was really weird and spotty throughout the day--sometimes I just wanted to lay on the couch and sleep, other times I was ready to clean the whole house.


This morning, I woke up ravenous!  I drank a bunch of cucumber water and made some coffee.  Breakfast was an egg "burrito": eggs scrambled with spices, paleo bacon, and red onion, tucked into a giant leaf of Boston lettuce with tomatoes and guac.  It was surprisingly delicious! 


I hope today goes as smoothly as yesterday.  I don't have many hangover-like symptoms yet--just a slight headache, but nothing major--but like I said, I had a pretty decent diet prior to Whole. 


Today's goals: meal plan and hit the gym!!


Oh, and clean my house from top to bottom.  Anyone else feeling the need to purge their environment as well as their bodies?!  Haha.

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Sounds like things are going good. I started yesterday too! We can do this. I do find myself yawning quite a bit and I did have a small snack this afternoon because I was starting to get a headache. I took the yolks out of a hard boiled egg, mixed them with 1/4 avocado, little mustard, little homemade mayo and some salt. Had them as deviled eggs. Seems to be helping.

Your burrito sounds awesome. I'll have to try it!

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Thanks, Kaylward! Your eggs sound amazing--might have to try that during a snack attack. I've had to snack a little, too, so I've been munching on almonds and dried apples. Amazing how little it takes to hit that spot, though!

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