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FINALLY...day 11


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I started my first (of many I am sure!) whole 30 on 7-12, and FINALLY today, day 11, I feel good. Which is strange, because I have strep throat . I have ZERO gut issues for the first time in...well, ever! I won't say I have energy because I have strep and am feeling tired. But even with being sick, I am not laying in bed. This is HUGE for me, because I have 2 autoimmune diseases, and I am frequently in bed after work, most of the evening, because I am just exhausted and achy. 


If I don't lose a single pound (I need to lose quite a lot), I would still consider this a success. I don't have abdomen pain. Even sick, I have enough energy to not be in bed before bedtime. Energy is huge, I have an 8yo son who I feel like I constantly let down because work is about all I have had energy for in the past. I may never be able to run a marathon, or a 5K even, but if I could just have the energy to be the mom my son deserves, and if i could do it just with the food I am putting in my body...wow. 


Anyway...this is me, day 11. Less than 48 hours in to having strep, sitting up after working and on the computer. Played with my son, cleaned the kitchen, I am just amazed at the little things, that really aren't so little. 


I love life, and I finally am seeing that I am worth living it, I am able to be healthy, and I feel so happy and encouraged for the first time in a long time.  :D

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Good for you! I am on day 6 and feel pretty good. A bit more emotional than usual but it's a good emotional. This is the first time I've gone this long without weighing myself and it's kind do nice not to obsess over it all and just listen to your body instead. I do feel thinner each morning so that is motivating since the idea of losing weight was what initially drew me to start. Feel pretty bloated in evenings tho-- maybe I need more water. I have a 2 year old son ( and I'm 41!) so evening play time is often mom and dad laying on the ground with him jumping on us... Last night we ran in circles and around corners jumping out at each other-fun!

Keep up the positive vibe!

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