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Newbie! Started 7/24


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Well, day 16 to 21 have been and gone and I have been relatively okay.  Struggled a bit with cravings for coke and found a couple of times that although I was eating well balanced meals, I was getting hungry anyways.

During that time I went camping with the two junk food eaters in the house.  I luckily had frozen a bunch of meals as I made them in the first two weeks and they heated up easily in their ziploc freezer bag in boiling water on the camp stove.

Most of my meals from day 16-21 were very similar to other meals I posted, so I won't bother laying them out.


I found on day 20, I was really questioning if this is going to work for me.  I know weight loss is not what  it is all about, but when

you are 5'1 and 40 lbs overweight, it does nag at your brain a little.  I also started thinking about what to do in a week when the whole 30 is finished…..My son keeps asking me, "what's the first thing you are going to eat?"  I answer that I really don't know, and he lists a bunch of things and quite frankly none of them seem too appealing to me right now.

I also picked up a digestive enzyme as I didn't feel like the sauerkraut on its own was doing the job.  I took my first one with dinner and my stomach as been gurgling ever since.  Is that normal?  Anyway, the nice lady at Choices told me to give it a week and if I don't notice the bloating going away I can return the bottle (even though I have used some) and try something else.  I don't have a gallbladder and she recommended this kind…so hopefully the gurgling is a one time thing and once I get used to taking it all will be good!

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Day 22.


I actually had a pretty good night sleep.  I think I have only had about 4 of those since starting the whole 30 and fingers crossed that it starts to even itself out.

I went for a 10km walk which felt great, oh and I managed to do an 8km hike and a 2km(straight up) hike while we were camping, as well as lots of walking.

Meal 1: 3 scrambled eggs with 3 cups cooked spinach and onion, olives

Meal 2: pumpkin chilli with guacamole and a salad with balsamic vinaigrette 

Meal 3: roasted chicken with avocado, sweet potato hash and cooked broccoli 


I started a digestive enzyme today and I have to say I feel way more bloated than I do when I don't take it.  Is that normal when you first start taking them?  Hmmmm…..

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Day 23.


Well I think I am going to stop taking the digestive enzymes.  I am so bloated, worse than without the enzymes, it is quite uncomfortable.

Pretty low energy today, considering I am 3 weeks in, so no exercise for me today.  Must ensure I get out tomorrow for a walk or a jog.


Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 slices prosciutto and 2 cups cooked kale and onions.

meal 2: leftover roasted chicken cooked with zucchini, mushrooms and peppers, olives

meal 3: Chocolate chilli, olives and 1 1/2 cups broccoli and coconut milk soup.


Tomorrow's cooking agenda: meatloaf and potato, leek, kale and cashew soup.

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Day 24.


Today I had to get up at 4:45 to help my husband and kids get ready to go on a camping trip.  Its the first time i will be

home alone for 4-5 days!  I was so bored today that I decided to cook up some meatloaf and potato kale leek soup!

Getting up that early really through my day off.  I wasn't hungry at all, so I didn't eat until about 7:30.  I typically follow the eat

within an hour of getting up rule.  SO, I was hungry all day even though I ate meals that I have eaten before that keep me full for 5 hours.

I stopped taking the digestive enzyme and boy do I feel better.  the bloating is a lot less and I have booked an appt. with the naturopath to see if I can figure out what's going on.  My appt is not until Sept 12th.  I also noticed that when I wake up in the mornings I really smell, that is my armpits.  The odour is the same as when I smell the bottle of digestive enzymes, so weird!  I was surprised that I managed to get through the day with only a little slump mid morning.  I went on a 5km walk with the puppy and even managed to stay up until 11:00.

Meal 1: 3 scrambled eggs, olives, 2 cups cooked kale and onions

Meal 2: very large salad with salmon, avocado and olive oil, balsamic dressing

Meal 3: homemade meatloaf, potato kale leek soup (with cashew cream) and 4 big fat juicy strawberries

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Day 25.


I had 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep!!!!!  Yipeeeee!!!!!  Beyond excited as this has not happened since starting the whole30.

I went to choice and returned the digestive enzymes and it was suggested that I just try some apple cider vinegar and see how that goes.

It is pretty gross to drink, but if it will help then great.

I seemed to have less energy today.  I took hazel to the dog park, but only managed to do half our route, which is weird since I had so much sleep.

Meal 1: meatloaf and avocado and cooked kale

Meal2: scrambled eggs, salad, olives

Meal 3: 2 baked chicken thighs and potato, kale, leek soup, cooked broccoli  (I think the cashew cream is making me bloat)

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Day 26.


I did not have that same great sleep as the night before....darn.  I fell asleep quickly but was up many times in the night struggling to go back to sleep.  I did the apple cider vinegar again today, and by the time I went to bed I felt so bloated and was constipated that I am thinking I should just eat what I eat and wait to see the naturopath as all these things I am trying seem to increase the bloating.

I had a good 2 and 1/2 hour walk with Hazel tonight which was a nice way to end the day.


meal 1:meat loaf, spinach avocado and tomatoes with olive oil

meal 2: grilled salmon, cooked kale and cucumber and tomatoes

meal 3: bbq turkey/lamb burgers with avocado and boiled broccoli 

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Day 27


Feeling pretty lazy today and not really motivated to even go walking.  Bloating is still a problem and i only have 3 days left, so not sure if that is going to work itself out.  Perhaps I will extend and try a whole45 and see if that extra bit of time will make a difference.

meal 1: 2 turkey/lamb avocado patties, sweet potato hash, sauerkraut

meal2: 3 eggs with homemade mayo and spinach, cooked kale and peppers. sauerkraut

meal3: pork tenderloin and cooked broccoli and squash with olive oil and rosemary dressing (ordered from caveman grocer)


For anyone living in the vancouver, bc  area I discovered a great website called caveman grocer.  Every week they post a menu and you can order meals and they deliver them once a week.  90% of their menu is whole30 compliant so you just have to make sure you read the ingredients for each meal.  

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Day 28.


Lots of GI issues today, not sure how they will work out in just a couple of days.  Like I said earlier, may do a Whole45.


Meal 1: bison, sweet potato, pepper hash, olives, cucumbers

Meal 2: grilled zucchini, turkey/lamb avocado burger.

Meal 3: salmon, salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, sweet potato/reg potato salad with homemade mayo

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Day 29


Pretty low key day.  I found myself a bit on the grumpy side today.


Meal 1: bison, sweet potato, pepper hash

meal 2: grilled chicken breast with cauliflower mash and cooked carrots and olives

meal 3: coffee rubbed pork with a blueberry reduction and grilled veggies 


tomorrow is Day 30.  Its going to be weird being officially done the whole30...........

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Day 30 was 2 days ago and I am not even sure what I ate that day, I do know it was all whole30 compliant.

Today is day 32, or day 1 of eating healthy and listening to my body for cues.

Yesterday was day 31 and I went on a 12 hour shopping marathon in the States with my daughter and a friend and her daughter.

I had a compliant meal 1 and I knew we would be eating out for lunch...my first restaurant outing since starting the whole 30.

Well I had breakfast at 6a.m as we heading out the door quite early in order to cross the border with little wait.  Everyone else had a tim horton's breakfast on the way at 7:30.  So, I was very hungry for lunch when they were not yet ready to eat, so luckily I had brought a lara bar with me and I ate that.  It was only the second lara bar I have had during the whole30.

At the restaurant I had a lettuce wrapped hamburger with tomato and onion and had the treat of yam fries (cooked in soybean oil).

I felt a little crampy about an hour later, but then it went away.

Well we had lunch quite late so dinner never entered our minds, but thought we should get something to snack before the long drive home.

I picked up some applegate turkey and salami at target and snacked on that.  I also picked up some drinks for the ride home and got an orange sanpallegrino.  Well, it was dark driving home and on the first sip of my drink I thought, boy that is sweet for no sugar (and I knew there was no sugar cause I read the ingredients).  So, I continue to drink and finish the can.  When we get to a lit area I look, and low and behold, I had picked up the blood orange can, not the orange and it had sugar as the second ingredients!  Oh well, good thing it was day 31!  I felt fine, no headache.

So, i think for the most part I am going to stick to whole 30 and I have no intention of reintroducing dairy and will leave wheat for a while yet.

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