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My Whole30...I Hope...


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Day 1 was Sunday, August 10th.  Hubby and I are doing it together...and the challenges are REAL!!  I needed to put way more thought and planning into this...but I guess diving right into the fire is always another option.


I'm 36 and live a pretty simple life.  No kids - thanks to 5+ years of infertility and have been mostly gluten free since mid-May this year - IBS diagnosis at 35 after two (yes two) colonoscopies.  Those two issues are my greatest inspriration to try this nutritional reset.  Others include my poor stress response, which always show in my midsection and my skin, my unhealthy reliance on alcohol and sugar for 'comfort', and a blossoming desire to live a 'cleaner' life inside and out.


I'm married to a great boo who supports me in all things - sometimes too enthusiastically.  He is very fit and has lived an active, athletic life for a long time.  I'm more the book nerd whose greatest extra-curricular activity was marching band colorguard ;)  He pushes me even when I want to smack back - I love him to pieces.


We have been CrossFitting since last year - he's way more committed than me.  I have taken up running in the last few months but hope that cleaning up my nutrition will help me blow through some of these fitness plateaus.


So, that's me in a nutshell.  Since this is day3, I'll summarize day1 as overwhelming and day2 as grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.  Ate on plan both days and ran 1.9 yesterday then did a homeWOD of 21-15-9 KBS, push ups, sit ups.


Bring it on, day3!



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Day3 is in the bag!  It was a good day - makes me hopeful I can stick this through for a while :)


Totally uncharacteristically for me, I sat on my couch and ate a real breakfast before heading off to work - egg + zucchini fritter + plum.  Survived a work lunch by ordering a spinach salad with grilled chicken - skipped the dressing since I couldn't assume compliance.  Dinner with the hubs was a yummy homemade meal - grilled pork chop + sweet potato hash + veggie stir fry with string beans and peppers.  Topped off the night with our first ever sampling of Kombucha - way different but actually hit quite the spot!! 


Didn't make it to CF but did a scaled homeWOD of 14.1 with  10:00 AMRAP 30 bar hops + 10 GTO (55#).  50 sit ups for warm up.  I didn't knock it out of the park but got a nice sweat in before dinner.


Although we're tired and bucking under the pressure of these unfamiliar restrictions - I'm enjoying the quality time I'm finding with the hubby and have already seen a nice regulation to my sleep habits - I fall asleep with less trouble, sleep more soundly, and wake up refreshed...I'll take it!


Let's do this, Day4!

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Day4 is behind me but a wall of stress is in front of me - makes me very very sad to not have my go-to comforts of sugar and wine.  I have enjoyed having such restful sleep immediately upon starting, but last night was wide-eyed, teeth knashing, brain spinning insomnia.  Seems my work failed to get the memo about taking it easy on me for 30 days....hopefully the drive to give this program all I've got will stick with it.


Yesterday's recap: Got 2.4 miles in with a solid pace first thing, followed by breakfast of egg + sweet tater hash leftovers + plum.  Lunch was a yummy assortment of lunch meat, pickles, carrots, celery, grapes, clementines, teeny bit of leftover potatos, and some cashew butter.  Afternoon slump was met with a fizzy Grapefruit La Croix.  Since I was blasted with afternoon traffic and heat running errands for the fam, hubby whipped together a delish dinner of baked chicken + steamed broccoli + leftover sweet tater hash (see a pattern on these sweet taters??  YUM!)  Dinner at the dining room table (thanks Whole30!) was followed by an oddball movie the hubs grabbed at RedBox and some tasty Kombuchi.


The work stress seeped in during my evening relax time - damn you technology.  Since it's festered over to this morning (day6), I'm going to just focus on my deep breathing and look forward to some fun evening plans we have with a friend.


Day5...be kind...I'm fragile...

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What's made this possible for me is - as you did - sitting and eating breakfast at home.  I get up 15 minutes earlier, fix myself a nice breakfast, and sit and enjoy it.

Previously, it would have been something easy at my desk at work.  


Enjoy that kombucha - I've grown to love it!

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Thanks, Deirdre!  That's exactly how I've been this last decade in my job - if I ate breakfast, it was something unfulfilling that I'd grab from anywhere and eat at my keyboard (sadly, it's still how I spend my lunches).  I need to commit to that morning meal at home - it really does set a more pleasant mood for the day.


And oh my on the kombucha.  We have never tried it before and we're sort of hooked!!  We're actually going to a friend's house tonight who makes it and she's going to "teach" us how to home brew our booch :)  Danger Zone


Thanks for the support!

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Day5Done - Overall Report: A good day :)


No exercise, we enjoyed a little extra lazy time before getting the work day started.  Nice breakfast of egg + zucchini fritters.  Lunch was another hodge podge of compliant lunch meat, pickles, carrots, banana, and a clementine.  Afternoon snack (dang it) was a small handful of almonds and a fizzy water.  Dinner was (awesomely) provided by a great friend who had us over not only to feed us (yay!) but to teach us how to home brew some BOOCH!!  We are so stoked!


That's Day5 in a nutshell...bring on Day6 and the weekend - this is the first REAL test, I can feel it.


Save us, kombucha...

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We survived our first WHOLE weekend on Whole30!  How about that?!!?  Hubby says he hasn't gone 7 entire days without alcohol since he was a teen!!  For me, definitely since I started practicing (maybe even law school, lol) but going without my glass(es) of wine for a whole week seemed like an impossibility.....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!


Day6 (Friday) went well - ran 5K in the neighborhood and ate on plan.  Hubby had his best bud come over (the one couple we're working on convincing that it IS OKAY to spend time with us even though we're not drinking...sheesh)...and they still had some fine man time.  Oh, and we put our SCOBY in the tea to start our home kombucha brew...excited to test it this coming Friday to see how our booch is progressing!


Day7 (Saturday) I had CRAZY energy.  Couldn't lay in the bed any longer by 7:30 and finally annoyed the hubs to the point of getting up an hour later - we ran an errand then literally ran home - it was a hard mile+ at me trying to keep his pace....woof!  I then cleaned and reorganized the heck out of my dining/kitchen/man cave.  It was awesome.  Then a little shopping and movie night with my Whole30mate. 


Day8 (Sunday) we had more errands to handle and got a new recliner for the man cave - hubby is in love.  A little sunshine by the pool and then dinner at our neighbor's house, followed by Rio2 on the couch before bed.  Not a bad weekend even without alcohol...and dairy...and sugar...and grains...and most things that typically trick our brains into false happiness :)


Looking forward to another week on plan...we are enjoying the meal planning/creating/eating process...lots of good times taking place and this has been great for our relationship. 


End of Week1 Summary: Energy is great and sleep is so much more sound.  Even a "bad" sleep night is better than more "good" sleep nights before elimination.  I have definitely lost my bloat and am much slimmer in my midsection.  My skin is not reacting well unfortunately, but I'm staying strong and hoping it's just my body detoxing from the elimination.  I'm sticking with my 'crunchy' skin care plan and hopefully will start seeing the results over the next week.


Until tomorrow...let's do this, Day9.

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Bluntly, day9 was tough.  Started out fine and good energy - no standard case of the Mondays here....but work took a nosedive about 3:30 pm and it was TOUGH to not have my go-to glass of wine...


Breakfast - ate at work (missed the hour window, no bueno) proscuitto-wrapped frittata muffin from Nom Nom Paleo + 2 slices of compliant bacon + plum.


Lunch - tuna fish in guac + carrots + grapes + 2 clementines + handful almonds.


Afternoon snack - LeCroix fizzy water + handful almonds


Supper - a stir fry concoction that looked way better than it tasted :(  Beef stew tips pan fried in a coconut flour mixture (leftover from this weekend's roasted acorn squash recipe that we were trying not to waste) + stir fried veggies (zucchini, squash, yellow bell pepper, onion) in coconut aminos.  Washed it all down with a Buchi Unlimited and a treat of sliced apple and banana with cashew butter.


No exercise, as Sunday's 2.0 mile run+walking lunge/air squat event still has most parts behind and below my hips squawking with movement. 


Day10 is here and the work day started at 7:15 and I didn't have time to pack my lunch....this may not go well....

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Well, it's 4pm on Day11 and I'm just now posting about Day10...so...


Day10 sucked.  Mostly because my hubby suffered from the kill.all.the.things badittude....yep, major badittude.  He said I had his consent to log it - I told him I didn't ask.  We ate on plan and survived the day, but not with smiles on our faces or love in our hearts, that's for sure.  I finally broke my CF dryspell and hit the 5:30 p.m. class - strength: shoulder press; WOD: 7:00 AMRAP 10KBS, 20SU 1:00 REST 50KB Press 1:00 REST 7:00 AMRAP 10KBS, 20SU.  Felt good to work hard and challenge myself outside of my running....and dinner was an amazing concoction created by the hubs of baked eggplant boats - NEVER would have had a meal like that before Whole30 :)


We sure are learning a lot through this process...happy to be in the double digits ;)

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Hoping you can make it through the weekend. I went through a minor personal crisis this week and immediately wanted to quit the whole 30 and eat chocolate. It made me realize how much I eat my feelings. A good night sleep and a delicious breakfast of fried eggs and hash browns helped me mentally get back on track.

Btw- I just noticed your Gamecock blanket in your photo. We just moved from SC to Boston and I'm homesick for the South! I went to grad school at USC. :)

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I am enjoying reading your updates. I can relate to much of it. I started my W30 without any planning at all, and I think it was the best thing (no time to overthink it). I'm really impressed with your ability to continue exercise through the energy peaks and valleys. It's the one thing I really need to add to my routine. I too was missing wine terribly (oh lovely Malbec)  until just a couple days ago when I was surprised with a (fleeting) thought of, "maybe I won't reintroduce it right away". I've since come to my senses, but it was a thought I never thought I'd think. Nor did I think I would make ever it 20 days without my beloved sugar. So far, it's been pretty good. I look forward to following the rest of your journey!



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I'm here!!  I can't tell y'all how awesome it was to receive your words of encouragement over the weekend.  By Friday afternoon, I was truly ready to be done.  For a few hours, I wandered around feeling like I needed to end this and at least enjoy the control I could experience over what I eat/drink since so many important things in my life and for my family are wholly out of my control, but...


I didn't give in.


I kept going.


So, here I sit early morning at my desk on Day17 with a crazy week all around me.  I have stayed on plan and other than missing some exercise time, I'm staying strong.  Lunches will be tough this week, as I'll be in depositions that will do group lunches and I won't have the option to eat what I bring - but I'm sure wherever we are required to eat I can find a fruit plate or dry salad. 


Hubby went off plan on Sunday - I tell him there's no such thing as Whole14 ;)  I'm so proud of him for sticking with me this long, and he's still my #1 supporter as I keep going to 30.  Footbal season is here and we have our first tailgate with friends Thursday night - luckily my favorite booch is bottled and I can koozie that up with the best of them.  To say that our friends lack interest or compassion in this nutritional reset is an understatement...


Thanks again for helping me stay grounded - more than half way there!!

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I'm so glad you "walked tall" through the weekend. It sounds like it was tough. I'm so glad you're sticking with it!  I am also surrounded by people who are not on the same page (or even the same library) when it comes to eating. I've found that the first few minutes of our rituals (weekend get togethers, pre-season football games, unexpected visitors) causes me to have strong thoughts of, "This Whole 30 is crazy, what's one drink (or piece of bbq, or whatever) going to hurt?" Followed by an internal chuckle about how sneaky the little committee in my head is, and the rational thought of, "I'm so glad I'm doing this Whole30, I feel so much better!"  and the quick demise of any any temptation to join in. Seriously, for me, the temptation seems to last about a minute.


It sounds like you have a good plan moving forward. Congratulations on being more than half way there! You are going to rock the rest of this journey!

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Day17 is in the books!  Ate on plan, even with an annoyed lunch counter clerk who apparently was highly put out that I asked how the chicken for the summer salad was prepared and asked to confirm that the "basic" oil and vinegar dressing included nothing else.  Jeez.


Dinner was a bit of a fail - the pulled pork was fantastic but the frozen butternut squash not so much.  A little compliant trial mix and a banana with cashew butter saw me through the night, though :)


Got a good solid 3.2 mile run in after work, felt good to be out there sweating.


Tailgate is tomorrow night - I'm not too worried though.  Just hoping for a Gamecock win!


Thanks for following, until tomorrow!!!!

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