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Mel's first Whole30


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DAY 17: 17 September (2 days with no migraine! :))



2 boiled eggs

stewed apple with coconut cream






Mushroom and pepper omelette with salad



Steak and veggies


Still feeling good, although I must keep concentrating on upping that fat content. 

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DAY 18: 18 September (Feeling a bit faint, migraine averted through meds after lunch  :wacko:)


2 boiled eggs and left over veggies from last night, olive oil




Poached salmon

Kale, cucumber, carrot and broccoli salad made with olive oil



Steak, sweet potato fries, veggies


Not a bad day.  It's the weekend now here in the Middle East so looking forward to restocking the fridge, meal planning etc.


How's everyone else doing?

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DAY 19: 19 September (Feeling great! :) )



2 x hard boiled eggs




Omelette, leftover steak, leftover veggies



Beef meatballs in tomato sauce, steamed veggies



DAY 20: (Feeling great, again! :)  Went to the gym after 3 weeks off due to back pain!   :))



Scotch egg



Bolognese sauce with vegetable "spaghetti" at a paleo bistro near home

Green smoothie



Bolognese sauce with vegetable "spaghetti" - it was so good we ordered takeout for dinner too!

Fruit salad with coconut cream


Great weekend, haven't felt hungry, more energy than usual.  Can't believe I've been doing this for 20 days already, loving it.

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I'm still here, still going strong on Whole30 (day 25!) but just have not had the time to login and post for a good few days.  Hope everyone else is doing well!


However, I am still experiencing way more migraines than I did pre-Whole30. At first I thought it was just part of the detox, but surely I should be over that by Day 25?  I have another headache beginning now and I am struggling at work - don't want to go home yet as I have a meeting this afternoon that has already been postponed twice due to my migraines.  It is really beginning to get me down - I thought I was doing the right thing by trying Whole30, but the migraines are just too much at the moment.  Any ideas as to what it could be?

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Hey Mel! I'm fairly new here; I get migraines too (it's a plague upon the whole family), and I'm certainly no expert but the one thing I can think of is FODMAPS. It's another food group that some people are sensitive too--a lot of veggies are part of it, so maybe if you've been eating more veggies than pre-Whole30 and you have a sensitivity to them, it could have caused more frequent headaches? Just from a quick google search, it seems like eliminating them has helped some people with their migraines, and well, my sister has said onions give HER migraines and onions are a FODMAP, so maybe a correlation...?


Haha, I don't really know. Here's a link I found on google that was helpful:




Of course anyone who knows more can add to this or correct me. XD


EDIT: Found another potential article that could help for other causes too:



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Thanks Littlelotte, that's really helpful.  I will certainly do some research into the FODMAPs.  I am wondering about going to see my neurologist, but he doesn't believe that nutrition can make a difference to multiple sclerosis so not sure what his take on food sensitivities might be!  (When I was diagnosed with MS and said I would focus on nutrition and exercise, he told me that I could eat McDonalds every day and it wouldn't make any difference!!!!)


Anyway, Day 30 today!  Woohoo!  Haven't had a migraine for 2 days, did 3.5km in the gym this morning and feeling amazing.  I am sure I have lost a few kilos too but won't step on the scales or measure until tomorrow.  My clothes are feeling loose and someone at work called me "Skinny Minny" yesterday as I walked past... I walked on not thinking they were talking to me so they pulled me back!  As I now know that I have an intolerance to dairy as well as wheat and soya, I am not going to go back to eating them and feel that this is my new way of life.  Loving it!  Thank you Whole30!

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DAY 31!  So, I've done it!  I've completed my very first Whole30!


My main reasons for doing it were to get my eating habits on track, to lose weight, and to feel well.  Tick, tick, tick!!!  The actual eating has been fine, I have been amazed at how easy it was to focus on clean eating and leave all the rubbish behind.  Mind you, I have been paleo for some time, but becoming more and more paleo-with-the-odd-treat, until I couldn't really say that I was paleo any more.  


I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis nearly a year ago, and although my symptoms are not terrible, I have noticed a massive improvement in the last 30 days.  I also have severe endometriosis, IBS and migraines.  Now I am sleeping better, have loads more energy, and am so much more focused at work.  This has had a huge benefit because I have to juggle so much (both at work and at home) and I found that I was forgetting things, losing focus etc.  These last few weeks have been incredible - I am rattling through work, remembering everything, and achieving lots at home too. I've started a website/blog for my on-the-side organising business, which is something I have been procrasinating about for months.  Now it seems that all I need to do it write myself a to-do list, and do it!


The next month will continue with my new Whole30 eating patterns, and trying to add in more exercise.  I have migraines and throughout the Whole30 they got worse/more frequent, but this week I've only had one.  One!  This has meant that I have been to the gym, and an aqua-fitness class, and really pumped now to go to the gym at least every other day.  


Finally, the weight-loss has been incredible.  5kg (11 lbs) in the 30 days.  3 percentage points down on body fat.  Wow!  I have finally lost my baby weight (my son is 3.5!!!).  I need to buy new clothes as my jeans are falling off me.  I don't generally go round showing strangers pictures of me in my undies, but too proud of this before-and-after shot to keep it to myself, so take a look at my post in the "Success Stories" thread!  


Thank you for everyone for your support.  I am loving being part of this community and am amazed at the support that it has given me.  Thank you everybody - I couldn't have done it without you guys!

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