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Mel's first Whole30


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DAY 1: 01 September (Excited :))


I've read about doing the Whole30 for a while now but never felt ready, although I knew that I needed to do it.  I set 01 September as "The Day" a while back, and this time prepared myself - mentally at least - and told anyone that would listen.  But commitment made, I haven't been able to prepare the fridge and cupboards as I would have liked to.  Luckily my husband knows what the Whole30 is all about so made some great choices in the weekly shop this week.  It's not ideal, but its better than nothing, and I will do the shopping myself for next week.  Oh, and my 3 year old ate most of my olives before I got home.  Need to buy olives!


Day 1 was easy - I guess i was on a high and excited to finally get started.



Scrambled eggs (ghee for the fat) with kale



Organic steak with a salad of spinach, cucumber, carrots and olives

Small handful of raspberries and blueberries



3 dates, 5 walnuts



Ground beef burger, salad, French beans, snowpeas, carrots, potato squares

Pineapple squares


I'm pretty pleased with how this went, maybe less fruit tomorrow.  The plus side is that I have plenty of leftovers to put in with my egg scramble tomorrow morning, and for lunch.  Roll on Day 2!

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Thanks Bricka - I'll pop over to your thread to say hi!


DAY 2: 02 September (Migraine  :blink:)


One of the reasons I am doing the Whole30 is migraines.  Debilitating, aura-inducing migraines that appear 1-2 times per week and prompted my doctor to run MRIs as we couldn't find a trigger or meds that worked.  Those MRIs found signs of demyelination, which was then diagnosed as early stage multiple sclerosis - not connected in any way, I should add, to the migraines.  So, what I guess I am trying to say is that I am not sure whether today's migraine was Whole30 related, or just the usual.  Happily it was short-lived... I woke up with it starting, but it's 8pm here in Dubai now and I am out of the pain zone and into the migraine-hangover.  So that's a positive.  


Day 2 was therefore a bit messy, as eating was not top of my agenda today.



3 scrambled eggs (ghee for the fat) with leftover veggies from yesterday's dinner.



Sleeping off migraine - no food



Picked at berries, walnuts and a bit of coconut on waking. Lots of water.



Grilled salmon with sweet potato cubes and veggies (French beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower)

Tablespoon of pineapple


Tomorrow is another day, as they say, but pleased that I didn't do my usual migraine-recovery and binge eat everything in sight.  Feeling positive already that the Whole30 might be helping a little.

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DAY 3: 03 September (Migraine   :blink:)


Started the day with just a dull headache, but by 10.00am it was a full-on migraine again, the worst I have ever had.  So only breakfast on Day 3, then straight to bed until I got up this morning, thankfully feeling much, much better!



Organic steak, 2 eggs scrambled with a little kale.

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DAY 4: 04 September (Migraine hangover but feeling OK :mellow:)


Feeling much better this morning - incredibly hungry as I was too sick to eat yesterday.  i guess that's one way of avoiding cravings!




Stewed apple with nut sprinkles



Grilled salmon, Broccoli, carrots, French beans




Steak, mushrooms, broccoli, onions, carrots


Still feeling pretty positive and so far have avoided any major cravings. I think the mother-of-all-migraines must have been Whole30 related, or at least, the severity of it.  If that is the major withdrawal over and done with I would be so so happy!  Roll on Day 5!

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DAY 5: 05 September (Grumpy, impatient, not nice  :angry: )


So apparently they were right - Kill All The Things definitely exists and it hit today.  Yuck.  Maybe not the best day to take my three-year-old son shoe shopping. We didn't end up with any shoes for nursery starting next week, but we did get Batman pyjamas and matching slippers.  That boy knows how to take advantage of a cranky mama!



2 hard-boiled eggs, leftover salmon from Mr3's breakfast, stewed apple with nut sprinkles



Grilled chicken salad (lettuce, carrot, cabbage)



Chicken curry and cauliflower rice


I don't think I am getting enough fats so will try harder tomorrow.  I did the weekly shop today so have lots of ideas up my sleeve.  Despite the grumpiness, feeling good about the Whole30.  I haven't experienced any cravings as yet, although I do miss my morning cup of tea.  I realised before I started that it was the milk and sugar in my tea that really did it for me, so a week before starting the Whole30 I gave up caffeine and hot drinks completely, to avoid the temptation.  I'm not craving as such, but a nice cup of "builders tea" would have usually been my first resort in a morning of impatience and toddler tantrums. Happy that I got through without it!  Roll on Day 6!

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Melanie. WOW. We started on the same day, Sept 1st, and I can't believe you have stuck through this while experiencing 2 days of migraines. I know you mentioned that you are doing this challenge to see if your migranes improve, so in a way, I assume the pain is motivation enough. WOW though. 

Try adding avocado and mayo to get your fats in. 

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Thanks nomnom! Luckily food is the last thing on my mind when I have a migraine, it's afterwards that's the problem! But as with all thing Whole30, I found if you have a plan do readily available tasty food, it's easier to stay on track at the "crunch points". But then it is only Day 6, I'm sure this will get much much harder. Got a play date today at one of those soft play centres - the other mums will feed their kids crap so I need a strategy to get us out of there before lunch time, and home to chicken curry and cauli rice!

I bought avocados yesterday - I don't like them but realise I need to. Will also investigate making mayo. I'm not great in the kitchen but so far enjoying learning new recipes.

How are you doing? Bricka too?

Happy Day 6!

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DAY 6: 06 September (Feeling better  ^_^)



Fried mushrooms (in ghee) and 3 scrambled eggs




Pineapple and melon squares


Chicken fried cauli-rice, leftover veggies


Spaghetti squash bolognese


Looking back at this I majorly missed out on my leafy greens today - too much dashing around to a kids playdate then 2 hours of physiotherapy.  Packing tomorrow's work lunch now so will add in extra spinach! 


Generally feeling OK!

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Hi! I just started yesterday and I feel you on the migraines! I have had one since yesterday morning. I usually only get 1 per month during pms but the problem is they always last 72 hours. I power though most of the time but they are terrible. So now I got one on day one and I am not pms-ing. But if it was not for the headache I would feel pretty good on day 2. :). I also was a major diet coke addict and maybe that's why since I have not had one it triggered me since I am so used to them, I am still drinking tea though--too scared to cold turkey the caffeine. Will taper slowly.... Anyway just wanted to say hello from a fellow migrainer. I hope they go away for both of us!

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DAY 07: 07 September (Happy  :))



Spinach fritata (cooked in ghee, 3 eggs)





Chicken and avocado salad (spinach, lettuce, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, broccoli) drizzled with olive oil



Spaghetti squash bolognese


Still a bit headachy but otherwise feeling good!

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Ugh, avocado.  I really, really, really do not like it!  ;-)


DAY 8: 08 September (Another migraine  :blink:)


Day started off well, felt great in the morning and was having a good day at work.  My mind is definitely clearer and I am working so much more efficiently, remembering more and generally feeling "on the ball" with work stuff.  This has been hard for the last few months with my MS symptoms, but through developing better systems and processes at work and now this Whole30, I was feeling that I might have cracked it.  Until 3pmish when the migraine hit.  I now have a sneaky suspicion that at work at least, it is a particular meeting room in our office that is triggering them.  Probably the lighting?  But whenever I have a meeting in Meeting Room 3, I have a migraine before I leave the Room of Doom.  So weird!  Rest of the day was a write off and I'm writing this the morning after.  I've never had so many migraines so wondering if the Whole30 is still doing its thing?  Whatever, I will just keep pushing through.  Nothing is going to stop me!



Fried beef in ghee with wilted spinach.  Raw carrots.




Spaghetti squash and bolognese (leftover from night before)

Raspberries, nuts



My husband cooked pork, potato and veggies.  Sadly only managed a forkfull before admitting defeat and retiring to bed.  

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DAY 9: 09 SEPTEMBER (Pretty good actually!  ;))



Pork, berries






My first venture to eating out:  Medallions of fillet steak, broccoli with almonds, grilled mushrooms and garlic



Beef burgers and salad


Today was a good day.  Only a headache, no migraine.  Eating out was a breeze - OK, it was at one of the world's finest steak restaurants, but they totally got it and arranged for my meal to be totally Whole30 compliant.  I even glanced over the desert menu and didn't feel tempted.  Amazing, and empowering. 


Nearly a third of the way through. I can see that I have lost weight, I feel bouncier and my skin looks great.  This rocks!

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DAY 10: 10 SEPTEMBER (Headache  :blink:)


Another afternoon-headache.  Quickly popped some migraine meds and halted it, but I have taken way more meds recently and don't like it.  I think my Whole30 meals are balanced, so what can be causing the increased migraines?  I thought it was supposed to lessen them, especially once a third of the way through?



Batons of thinly sliced steak, mushrooms in ghee, raw carrots

2 plums



Chicken and avocado salad (Lettuce, spinach, carrots, beetroot, cucumber) with olive oil and lemon

Small handful of berries



Chicken curry, cauliflower (feeling too yucky to make cauli rice so just had steamed florets), broccoli

Handful of nuts


Went to bed early - I stayed up way too late the night before to watch the launch of the new U2 album at the Apple launch! - and have woken up to Day 11 feeling good.  But thank goodness its Thursday and tomorrow is the weekend here in the Middle East!

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DAY 11: 11 September (Feeling great!  :) )



Boiled eggs




Tuna, egg and beetroot salad



Grilled chicken, moutabal, salad from the local Arabic takeaway.  Not even tempted by the flatbread!


Finally, a whole day without a migraine, not even the slightest hint of a headache!  I ploughed through work, got loads done, and still have enough energy to play with my son when I got home from work.  Loving this feeling!

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Oops - realised I haven't updated for a while!  Day 15 and still going strong, although I am noticing that I am not eating much these last few days and not feeling very hungry at all.  So here goes for the update, from what I can remember:


DAY 12: 12 September



Leftover grilled chicken and lamb from last night's Arabic takeaway. 




Omelette with veggies and mushrooms



Grilled chicken, roasted veggies



DAY 13: 13 September

Our 12th wedding anniversary - posh meal out to celebrate which we navigated rather well!  



Scrambled eggs

Rocket salad



Grilled chicken skewers and roasted veggies

Side salad


DINNER:  The chef made sure that everything I ate was Whole30 compliant - fantastic service and a great intro to eating out well on the Whole30

Steak tartare

Tomato salad with caviar, tomato sorbet and yellow capsicum puree (This dish was out of this world - before the Whole30 I would never have ordered this) 

Medallion fillet steak with asparagus, carrots and potato

Raspberries to finish - not that I needed them after all that


Fantastic meal that really showed me that being Whole30 doesn't mean you are missing out.  I even watched my husband devour the artisanal bread and butter without feeling deprived or in need.  Go me!

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DAY 14: 14 September (Not very hungry but feeling a bit faint  :unsure:)



2 boiled eggs

Leftover chicken




Mushroom omelette

Rocket and spinach salad




4 dried apricots and a handful of nuts



Beef burger, veggies.  (Didn't eat much of it)

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Thanks NomNom!  Can you believe we are more than half way?  I would never have thought that the cravings and reliance on crap food would have disappeared in such a short time!


DAY 15: 15 September (OK to start ;) , migraine pm :blink:)



Omelette with veggies






Chicken and avocado salad (still can't stand avocado!)



Nothing - went to bed with migraine


The interesting thing about today was that my food intolerance test results came back.  I had the blood taken about a month ago, when I was planning to do the Whole30 and reading up about stuff.  I have been paleo (or paleo on-and-off with the odd cheat) for about 4 years, when we discovered it whilst researching how to make our IVF cycles more successful.  After lots of surgeries, miscarriages and 4 failed IVFs, we were ready to start taking control of our own progress and to try things that the doctors had overlooked.  Started paleo, 3 months later did IVF and now have a 3 year old son  ;) Then when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last November, we knew that I had to look at diet.  It's taken me until now to fully grasp it, but I wanted to see if the medical tests reinforced what I already knew about the optimal diet for me.  And yes, we were right.  The test results came back to show that I have a high intolerance for wheat, soya and dairy.  As well as mushrooms, kidney beans and oranges (slightly weird and I don't get the science between those last three).  So that has reinforced my views on the Whole30.

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Chicken and avocado salad (still can't stand avocado!)



If you don't like avocado, don't eat it. I don't particularly like olives, so I don't eat them unless they're part of a recipe with lots of other flavors where they don't stand out so much, but I still find plenty of ways to get fat into my meals. Bacon, if you can find the compliant stuff, is a fat source. Olives. Nuts (use sparingly, both because of omega 3-6 ratios and because for many people, they're food without brakes -- once you start eating them, you can't stop). Coconut (milk, cream, butter/manna, flakes, oil). Try other oils, many aren't suitable for cooking at high temperatures, but you could drizzle them over veggies, or make salad dressings with them. I know you mentioned you were going to try mayo at one point -- how did that work? Once you've got mayo, you can thin it with some vinegar and add some herbs to make different creamy dressings. If you don't want to mess with mayo, there's still other sauces that could work. I just made this Moroccan Dipping Sauce (scroll down, it's under the chicken) this week -- it was really good on grilled chicken, but I'm sure it would be just as good on steak or fish or veggies.  Dairy free, paleo pesto sauces are good too -- there's a few variations on this page, but there are tons all over the internet. I've been meaning to try this Hollandaise sauce, but I keep forgetting to buy ghee. 


Really, there are lots of options, and absolutely no reason to eat something you don't like.

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Thanks Shannon, some great ideas there which I will try to try!  Time is a bit of an issue (oops - had forgotten to make the mayo!  One for the weekend) so I often end up grabbing a takeaway salad from the organic salad bar near work.  Hence limited supply of Whole30 compliant dressings etc. for salad and reliance on the dreaded avocado!  I will try and be more organised and whip up some dressings to keep in the work fridge.  Thanks for the advice!


DAY 16: 16 September (Feeling amazing!  :))



Left over homemade beef burger

Applesauce with coconut shavings and coconut cream






Spinach, roasted pumpkin and chicken salad



Chicken curry with cauli-rice


Day 16!  How did that happen?!  So many people now commenting on my weightloss, energy, hair etc.  Feeling pretty damn good!

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