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Started 9/22


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Hi everyone! My name is Chloe. I started the Whole 30 on Monday because I have had digestive problems for most of my life, and after a recent trip to the ER (where they found absolutely nothing wrong with me medically...) I decided to take my health into my own hands. I started with a friend, but unfortunately she just informed me that she has quit on day 5. Bummer. I may need some buddies in this! Thanks!


Chloe  :)

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Chloe, Hi I'm Dawn. This is my 2nd W30 back to back. Your in the right place for support. come over to our thread for some great support from some great people. there are 4 of us so far. 3 of us have been together for awhile now and Lisa just joined us last week. Tina and Lisa are on different days than David and I are, but that's ok. We're all in this together. Our thread is called "Whole30 Starting 24/9/14" Hope to see you there.

We can do this


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