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Don't Eat Checklist for Slips

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I have been *trying* whole9 for a week now. I read the book last week and I was already familiar with it. I'm mostly paleo but cutting out sugar has always been my downfall. I have a sweet tooth. I just came from vacation and didn't get to follow the suggestions Melissa wrote in Anatomy of a Vacation. I read that a few days too late. So I'm trying to do it post vacation by following whole9. When I try something or say I'm going to do something, I seem to sabotage my own efforts and eat stuff I normally wouldn't eat anyway. So illogical. Sometimes I think I'm better off not saying I'm going to do something.

I created a checklist of all the don'ts. (I got the list from Well Fed). So everyday, I can check off what I ate that I wasn't whole9 compliant. So maybe this will give me some accountability and help me not do it again. I've tried doing a food journal before and I can't do it enough to make it a habit. I have a horrible short term memory and am easily distracted. I probably won't stick to this either but I'll try it for a couple of days. :)

Feel free to download and tweak. It's a word doc.


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Nice! That's actually a really good idea. I made something similar in google docs - a little "health tracker" spreadsheet. Right now it has a lot of random stuff in it specific to me, but at some point I'm going to make a template one to share. It's been really helpful - I have columns to check off that I avoided all the things you have in this check list and also have been tracking my sleep/whether I stick to good sleep hygiene standards & then rating how I feel overall each day while I do the whole 30 with some notes. (I can't help but track/quantify this... scientist/data nerd in me haha).

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