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Aloha 30


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I'm back for another round leading up to my Hawaii vacation. We leave November 27.

My goal is to stick with the plan and this time have a little more fun, I want to read a lot here and get some ideas for wonderful food that keeps me excited about eating this way.

I had a great, great summer. I ended up third in my division at the State show and I felt and looked terrific! Then I started celebrating and kinda never stopped lol.... School started up and as usual old habits slid in.

I know how to do this, have had great success, and I'm open to new ideas and new foods... I don't want to get stuck in a rut of eating the same thing all the time which is what usually happens.

Will post food and activity each evening as that really keeps me on track.


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Food for today

* grapes, walnuts, apple

* salami, cucumber, red pepper, avocado, mustard

* roasted sausage and potatoes, steamed green beans, mayo

* coffee, Perrier

Bad breakfast today. No excuses, made egg muffins tonight to cover the next few days.

Been eating compliant since Monday... earlier breakfasts this week were chicken soup but I ran out today. Came home expecting to ride but felt bone tired so took a thirty minute nap instead.

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Food for October 10

* two egg muffins (ham, kale, home grown egg, olives); apples grapes almonds

* chicken, potatoes, cherry tomatos

* tuna salad, baby carrots, apple

* coffee, Tejava tea

The chicken was baked but had some funky coating on it that I suspect was noncompliant... I had already paid for my school hot lunch and didn't want to waste it. Also had some noncompliant jerkey so tomorrow we shall try again.

Experience has shown it takes me two or three days before I really hit my groove with this plan.

On a good note, I resisted dd's homemade sticky buns, some fresh baked cookies from a student, and I skipped tonight's church potluck.

No formal exercise today.

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October 11

* 3 compliant hot dogs, potatoes, green beans, mayo

* burger, wrapped in lettuce with tomato and onion

* coconut butter from the jar, apples and almonds, salami

* water, Perrier, coffee, Tajava tea

Lunch happened late and I was starving. Had a couple of the French fries that came with my burger - yech! What was I thinking. Eating off schedule + not being prepared = funky evening meal. Better day tomorrow.

Rode my horse for two hours.

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Better day today. Hanging out with my family, getting our costumes together and picking pumpkins from the patch!

Today I ate:

* two egg muffins, a few roasted potatoes, cherry toms sliced with salt

* chopped salad: spinach, romaine, chicken, avo, onions, tomatos, green peppers, peppericini, pickled jalapeños

* grilled steak, roasted cauliflower, baby green salad, grapes

* coffee, water, Perrier, Tejava, le Croix

After reading about le Croix sparkling water I was happy to find some at the grocery store. It's wonderful! I used to be a soda fan so I appreciate anything with bubbles.

No formal exercise other than the usual chores (feeding and mucking out three horses). I feel really good about my choices today and look forward top polishing off the leftover steak for lunch tomorrow.... it was delish. I really need to fire up the grill more often.

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Why oh why is it so difficult to get started this round?!

To do a complete consecutive thirty days, the 26th is the last day to get serious. I've done this two times before, I've got what it takes... and I'm thinking there is just no eating out at all for this round, it's just too hard!

* two egg muffins, grapes, almonds

* roast sausage and potatoes, green beans, avo

* pistachios

* taco salad, apple, walnuts

* coffee, La Croix, lemon mint tea

Started out fine, though I've never included regular potatoes before and notice I've had them more than I probably should. Had too many nuts and then dinner happened... ate at a Mexican place before the 4H meeting. I remembered to ask for no chips on my salad but forgot about the cheese and sour cream... darn. Then I ended up eating a few chips anyway :/

Weighed myself this morning and am determined to put away the scale, get serious about prepping and packing food, and bang out this plan starting tomorrow! I'm going to touch down in Hawaii with a great big Whole 30 grin because I will be feeling like a million bucks, ready to hit that beach!

I also plan on getting some regular exercise this round (gasp!). I usually just count my normally active lifestyle as my movement requirement... now that my middle schooler is in basketball, I'll be hitting the track at the local Christmas tree farm for some hilly hikes.

Ready set go!

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October 14

* two egg muffins, apple, a tiny plum, walnuts

* steak, roasted cauliflower, mayo mixed with Dijon, cherry toms with mixed greens and balsamic

* three Applegate hotdogs, chopped salad with cucumber red pepper avo and apple, Braggs acv

A good eating day! Felt energetic after school and spent the afternoon working hard prepping for the next two weeks. Didn't get out to hike because I forgot my shoes.

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Another good day!

* two egg muffins (getting a little tired of them), apples, walnuts

* Applegate hot dogs, roasted cauliflower, mustard, cucumber salad from last night, grapes

* turkey burger, roasted broccoli, steamed butternut squash! Dijon mayo

* grapes, pistachios

Busy busy week, meetings every day so far... up late working on my Halloween costume, no formal exercise yet...feel good despite hot flashes off and on, a part of my cycle for a year or so now.

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It's crazytown here since the Giants just won lol!

A good day all around!

* two egg muffins (glad they are all gone now!), apples, walnuts

* turkey patty, roast broccoli, steamed butternut, dijonaise, cherry toms

* pistachios, tin of smoked oysters

* bacon, eggs, kale sauteed in bacon grease with dried cranberries, grapes

Took a hilly hour long hike through the neighboring tree farm after school.

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