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Starting October 16th


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I am doing this to change my reactions to toxic foods, I have always been 60/40 Paleo but now I am going 100-430 days then I'm going to try my best to do 80/20. I fell off my health wagon when I engaged in my new job. So I entered my ass back into CrossFit today and whole 30 starts tomorrow, let's go!!

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Im starting tomorrow too. Prepping today and looking at the whole thing diffferently. Ive attempted the w30 a couple of times and everytime I couldnt finish. The first time I tried I was successful for almost 3 weeks, then I got very ill with the flu and I wasnt prepared. Ive got an autoimmune bowel condition and if I dont eat healthfully I suffer in ways that keep me near enough housebound, its not worth it. Im looking forward to doing this with the aim of finding out and fighting thru my eating triggers. I also simply want to be healthy. So yeah, lets go!!

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I'm starting tomorrow also. I know this will be a challenge especially being a flight attendant and being on the road alot. It will take preparing ahead and I will definitley be on here for moral support. Wishing everyone success and motivation. 

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