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Starting date October 16th


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Hi! I am starting my second Whole30 tomorrow, October 16th, and I am so ready for it! I just finished my first W30 this past September, and felt better than I ever have in my life! But then I added foods back in...and sugar. The dreaded sugar monster got the best of me, and I feel miserable again. So I'm starting another W30 tomorrow and plan to stick with it for even longer this time. Once it's over, I'm stayng with Paleo for the long haul.

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Hi, Im starting today too. I have breakfast veggie soup on the simmer as I type. There is another thread started by someone else about starting today also, so there's a couple of us.


Today meal 1 is soup made of acorn squash, sweet potato, cauliflower, carrots and swead, with some homemade chicken stock. I made a big batch so that can be my breakfast for a few days. Ive decided to have soup for meal 1 because I would always end up with way more meat then veggies for most of my meals and it was just so heavy. Im trying a new tactic this time around. I may add some bacon pieces.


Good luck!

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Day 1 went well. I was even given chocolate by my husband and one of my daughters and I stashed it away for when Im done with W30.

Meals were simple and I ofund it easy to incorporate what my children were having with something I could eat. I did go to bed feeling a little hungry but I didnt snack. Today Ill eat more in my evening meal, probably more carbs and fat. I think fat was the only thing lacking in my meals yesterday so Ill try to up that. I bought some avocado for that. Another thing that was lacking was exercise. I did walk twice yesterday but it was bc I had to and not for exercise. I dont drive so if I go anywhere it usually involves walking. I will try to add some form of exercise today. Actually I did about 15 minutes of yoga... so there!


Roll on day two.

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