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Starting Today with my Husband! Eeeek!!


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Hi everyone!


I am so excited for this Whole30.  I am active duty military and recently married.  I am also trying to conceive so I thought that a Whole30 would be great for me!  I have been mostly paleo for some time, but have always struggled with losing any weight.  I personally love myself and my body, but the navy doesn't, lol.  I want to lose about 20 pounds and felt Whole30 would be the kick in the rear I need. I work from very early in the morning to 4pm and I can tell I am going to have to make things ahead of time to be the most efficient.  Any advice on Whole30 and anything for that matter would be awesome!! God bless ya'll!



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Yay! You may find that you are surprised by the rewards of doing the whole30 that you didn't expect! I don't typically get a kick out of planning and preparing a meal for my family like many people do, or preparing foods in advance- I so admire that in people! I much prefer to dine out! But by the end of my first whole30 I was enjoying cooking, and savoring my meals so much more!


I do appreciate leftovers so for planning ahead I just make more for a meal than necessary and munch on the leftovers during the week. Monday I made a frittata with just eggs, compliant sausage and some leftover veggies. That has been my breakfast all week along with a side salad! Last night we made roasted carrot "fries" that I could have probably eaten entirely in one sitting but instead I have enough for the next few days! Same with the roasted potatoes I made! Cook the whole package of meat if you purchase it that way, make stews and roasts and chili's (Chocolate Chili from the Well Fed Cookbook is one of my favorites!) Roast veggies in bulk :) 


Also, another piece of advice I love and have fully embraced: there is no law that says you have to eat certain foods at a certain time! Salad for breakfast? Frittata for lunch? NBD! 


Enjoy the process and don't lose sight of how great you are going to feel when you are done! (Because there ARE typically some pretty raunchy days in the meantime) Press on to the prize for which you are called! ;)

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Yay! You may find that you are surprised by the rewards of doing the whole30 that you didn't expect! I don't typically get a kick out of planning and preparing a meal for my family like many people do, or preparing foods in advance- I so admire that in people! I much prefer to dine out! But by the end of my first whole30 I was enjoying cooking, and savoring my meals so much more!


I do appreciate leftovers so for planning ahead I just make more for a meal than necessary and munch on the leftovers during the week. Monday I made a frittata with just eggs, compliant sausage and some leftover veggies. That has been my breakfast all week along with a side salad! Last night we made roasted carrot "fries" that I could have probably eaten entirely in one sitting but instead I have enough for the next few days! Same with the roasted potatoes I made! Cook the whole package of meat if you purchase it that way, make stews and roasts and chili's (Chocolate Chili from the Well Fed Cookbook is one of my favorites!) Roast veggies in bulk :)


Also, another piece of advice I love and have fully embraced: there is no law that says you have to eat certain foods at a certain time! Salad for breakfast? Frittata for lunch? NBD! 


Enjoy the process and don't lose sight of how great you are going to feel when you are done! (Because there ARE typically some pretty raunchy days in the meantime) Press on to the prize for which you are called! ;)

Yay! Its day 3 and my husband and I are chugging right along.  I made stuffed sweet potatoes for dinner last night and made enough for lunch today.  I fried some compliant bacon and then added kale for YUMMY lunch.  Thanks so much for the advice and I am so looking forward to the other side of this Whole30.  I can already feel a difference in my body and I cant wait to see the changes for us both. 

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