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First Timer Starting January 18, 2015


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Hello! Like many people I've been on the losing end of a battle with food most of my adult life. I'm 47 now, and I'm tired of failing diets and I'm too busy to count calories. My family and I are whole foods advocates already - we have a little homestead farm that we are trying to get off the ground - but in truth, we ony eat whole foods about 50% of the time. I'm ready to kick the other junk out of the cabinets and get serious. I'm putting off the start of this because we have a big event on the 16th, and I'd like to have the time to read the book and get myself sorted. The whole family (husband and three teenagers) are going on this adventure with me. Anyone else thinking of starting around the same time?

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Leann!

Just realized this was two years + back!  Well, replying anyway to ask how you are doing!  As a 53 year old Mom of five (all adults but one now) I understand how daunting the journey toward better health and nutrition can seem.  This is my fourth Whole30.  In front of me sits a homemade empanada. :)  My husband offered it and said, "Just have one."  I thought, "well, it is my fourth time.  I have done well.  I can eat thi..." No.  Sticking out the full measure of the days.  I likely will shave a bit on reintroduction, saving my biggest care for the two areas I think I may have low levels of inflammation in.  

Did you complete it?  Where are you in this journey?  Be encouraged.  While we are each different, there are many things that are common to us all.  And you are worth it!  Blessings,

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